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Articles by Frank Romano

Frank Romano has spent over 60 years in the printing and publishing industries. Many know him best as the editor of the International Paper Pocket Pal or from the hundreds of articles he has written for publications from North America and Europe to the Middle East to Asia and Australia. Romano lectures extensively, having addressed virtually every club, association, group, and professional organization at one time or another. He is one of the industry's foremost keynote speakers. He continues to teach courses at RIT and other universities and works with students on unique research projects.

Displaying 501-600 of 881 articles

Frank Visits the West Main Artist Collective

Published May 28, 2014

Frank visits the West Main Artist Collective in Spartanburg, South Carolina where he gives a small tour and shows some of the equipment used by artisans to do printmaking.

Frank Romano Gets an Inside Look at Greenville Press

Published May 21, 2014

This week Frank visits The Greenville News and talks to Steve Caldwell, Press Operations Manager. They take a look at two Goss presses on site. They talk page count and newspaper subscription trends and the result on their offset newspaper press business.

Frank Visits GPA's Booth and Gets a Tee Shirt

Published May 14, 2014

Frank stops by GPA's booth and learns more about the company and what they offer in addition to getting a free tee shirt. He speaks with Laura Weber, Marketing Communications Specialist at the company.

A Tour of Frank Romano's Mergenthaler Memorial

Published May 7, 2014

This week Frank joins us from his library where he shows us a new memorial to Ottmar Mergenthaler and the The Mergenthaler Linotype Company. As always, it's an opportunity for us to learn.

Frank Romano's Potpourri (Pile of Stuff Laying on His Desk)

Published April 30, 2014

This week, Frank brings us a potpourri of material. We think Potpourri is French for "Pile of Stuff Laying on Ones Desk". Newsweek returns to print, the 1984 Betamax decision, print trumps digital in the attention economy, Chicago bypasses postal service for distribution, and print book growth.

Frank Romano: All These 1991 Products Now on iPhone

Published April 23, 2014

This week Frank (still wearing that shirt), shares an article about a 1991 Radio Shack ad featuring products that were deprecated by the introduction of the iPhone.

Frank Romano on Printing Wikipedia

Published April 16, 2014

This week Frank talks about a project aimed at printing all 4.3 million Wikipedia articles in 1,000 volumes. He also talks about how to get a single page from a Gutenberg bible for a cool 85 grand.

Frank Discusses Strange 3D Things Happening in the World

Published April 9, 2014

This week, Frank talks about discovering strange things that are happening in the world. A Hershey Chocolate 3D printer, a 3D robot, and futurology are all included in Romano's crazy mixed up world! Oh...and there's the shirt. What's up with the shirt?

Frank Romano Shows Off His Collection of Early Macintosh Computers

Published April 2, 2014

This week Frank shows us a library of items he's put together related to the printing industry. Among them are early Apple computers.

Frank Romano at Ipex 2014

Published March 28, 2014

Frank joins us from Ipex to talk about the show. He picks a spot to shoot the video with an actual printing press (Komori) behind him. We get his opinion of not only the Ipex show, but industry trade shows in general: yes, we still need them!

Just What IS on Frank's Wall?

Published March 26, 2014

This week, Frank answers a much asked question: What is all that stuff on the wall behind you? Viewers have long noticed when Frank is shooting his weekly video in his RIT office, there is a wall of stuff behind him. This week, we finally get a tour of "the wall".

From the Desk of Frank Romano

Published March 19, 2014

Frank discusses several things this week as they come across his desk. Helvetica perfume? Your likeness in chocolate? A 3D printed book cover? A rant on the decline of the Christmas card? All this and more from the beloved curmudgeon emeritus.

Frank on 3D Printing and Printed Electronics

Published March 12, 2014

Frank talks about all the news out there related to 3D printing and printed electronics. His google news alerts for "printing" is now 90% about 3D printing. Printed audio speakers, printed electricity, paper batteries. Frank has the future covered.

Frank Discusses Both Print Past and Print Future

Published March 5, 2014

Frank talks about the crown jewel of American Printing fetching $14.2 million, meeting a hectograph user on a train (whose daughter mentions him in an article), and the changing nature of "print is dead" articles.

A Potpourri of Material from Frank Romano

Published February 26, 2014

Frank skims the Internet and finds several items to comment on. Among them is what he calls "the dumbest idea ever" and "the most brilliant move a printing company could make". Want to know jobs about to be extinct? Frank knows!

Preserving the Art of Letterpress Printing

Published February 19, 2014

This week, Frank discusses the renaissance of letterpress printing and other historic craft printing and paper making techniques. Recently, RIT acquired an historic press that will allow them to teach students the art of letterpress printing.

Frank Gets Mail - Some of it He Really Likes!

Published February 12, 2014

This week Frank highlights mailers he's received that caught his attention. One by Canon - a thick three dimensional piece from Wired magazine, and one by EFI - an older piece he misplaced but saved because it has a video component. Yes. Video in a mailed marketing piece!

A History Lesson on the Birth of the Modern Phone System and the Internet

Published February 5, 2014

Frank gives a history lesson on the birth of the modern phone system. He focuses on a letter written to President Wilson from the President of AT&T. The end result of the coming regulated monopoly? The Internet!

Frank Helps Celebrate Kodak NYSE Re-listing

Published January 29, 2014

Frank joins us from the New York Stock Exchange floor where he was invited to celebrate Kodak being re-listed on the exchange. He talks about the job Antonio Perez did in guiding the company through bankruptcy and re-inventing itself.

Frank on Isaac Asimov, Backward and Forward

Published January 22, 2014

Frank reminisces about using a word processor (via cassette) in 1972 and meeting Isaac Asimov. Frank chases down an article by Asimov that mentions the use of the word processor and talks about some of Isaac's predictions. How close did he come?

Frank: Will Kiosks Replace Print?

Published January 15, 2014

This week, Frank catches a "blurb" in a local newspaper and as always uses it as a jumping off point for a rant for print. Will kiosks be the downfall of print? Of course not! See why.

Kindle, Schmindle...Paper Lives!

Published January 8, 2014

Frank gets sent an article which gets his attention. The title: "No, Paper Isn't Dead". The title got his attention, but what gets his focus is the article's claim that paper making hasn't changed much since it was invented in China. The final solution to the digital challenge? Chocolate paper!

A Visit by the Ghost of Printing Yet to Come

Published December 20, 2013

Predicting the future is easy; predicting what will happen next month is almost impossible. Prediction is especially difficult in the printing industry because we adapt technologies from other disciplines.

AARP Inkjet Messaging and the SarcMark

Published December 18, 2013

This week Frank uses his issues of AARP to highlight something new he noticed - inkjet messaging. He then talks about an unrelated story involving a new emoticon to express sarcasm. Yes, he's serious.

Frank Talks About the Future

Published December 11, 2013

This week, Frank talks about the future. A recent article he read discusses books that predicted the future and he uses this as a jumping off point to discuss the fact that nobody ever predicted the Internet.

Frank Reviews the Lumejet Printing Technology

Published December 4, 2013

Frank gets a sample from Lumejet and is compelled to research the methods and share them with us. He calls the output the highest quality printing he has ever seen.

Frank Gets the Scoop on the PDF/VT Standard from CalPoly's Howard Vogl

Published November 27, 2013

Frank talks to Professor Howard Vogl at CalPoly about the PDF/VT standard. Professor Vogl explains what the format is and talks about student samples on PDFA.org. They also discuss what's next with the standard.

Big Changes at Printing Industries of America

Published November 25, 2013

Last week, with no public announcement, the Printing Industries of America dismissed 15 employees with little or no notice, according to sources. Some had over 30 years of service to GATF, with whom PIA merged in the late 1990s.

A Look Inside a Label Printing Operation with Frank Romano

Published November 20, 2013

Frank visits InTouch Labels and talks to Lauren Hayes about their label production and how she got into the business. They also cover the digital label finishing that follows the label printing.

Frank on the Rise of Demo Centers and the Impact on Trade Shows

Published November 13, 2013

This week Frank addresses the changing nature of how larger industry vendors are displaying their products using technology and demo centers and the impact that has on shows that are essential for smaller vendors to reach the market.

Frank Dumps His 1999 Catalogs

Published November 6, 2013

Frank takes us on another journey - this time to a warehouse where he shows us some things he's been accumulating that he is parting ways with. All the catalogs that arrived at his house in 1999, a total of 490 catalogs! He used them to do analysis at the time of the types of paper used, size, and number of pages. Today he uses them to explain the changing nature of the printed catalog.

Frank and His Miscellaneous Things

Published October 30, 2013

This week Frank sweeps up around the office and gathers some "miscellaneous stuff that's been hanging around". From Mr. Romano romano cheese graters to thumb drives that look like thumbs, Frank has you covered.

Frank Romano: People Send Me Stuff!

Published October 23, 2013

This week, Frank talks about things that people send him. The latest (personalized) edition of American Printer magazine is among the items as well as HP Indigo printed samples, and a direct mail piece with a nickel in it.

What is it with Governments and Printing?

Published October 16, 2013

The government may be shut down, but that doesn't stop Frank from talking about them. From the GPO name change, new public printer, federal printing plants, to Canada wanting to move to "e-printing", Frank tries to figure out "what is it with governments and printing".

Frank Visits HP's Demo Center

Published October 9, 2013

Frank visits the HP demo center in Alpharetta Georgia and gives us a tour along with commentary on what he calls "the most amazing demo center I have ever visited". The 68,000 square foot space houses virtually the entire HP printing product line.

From the Mouths of Babes: Books are Still Fun!

Published October 2, 2013

This week, Frank visits St. Jude School in Waltham Massachusetts and talks to three wonderful young ladies about books. What do we learn? We find out that despite their having electronic devices, these youth still read books and will continue to do so. This one's cute factor goes to 11.

Frank Romano at the Printing Arts Fair (Part 2)

Published September 25, 2013

Frank joins us again from the 10th Annual Printing Arts Fair in North Andover, Massachusetts. This time he shows us printing with a steamroller! (Yes, he even rides the steamroller)

Frank Romano at the Printing Arts Fair

Published September 18, 2013

Frank joins us from the 10th Annual Printing Arts Fair in North Andover, Massachusetts. He shows us all the great equipment running and demonstrations of classic printing techniques.

Frank Romano with J.S. McCarthy Printers

Published September 11, 2013

Frank visits with Jon Tardiff of J.S. McCarthy Printers in Maine and reviews their work and their business. As expected, there are samples!

Frank Talks Labels and Brings Samples!

Published September 4, 2013

This week Frank discusses inkjet label printing and the various different types of labels seen in our daily life (more than we think). As usual, Frank has samples and isn't afraid to use them.

Frank Romano is Back at the Pencil to Pixel Exhibition

Published August 29, 2013

Frank joins us again from the Pencil to Pixel exhibition and gives us a tour of the things on display. Frank risks being shushed to bring us a glimpse of the exhibition.

Frank Romano at the Pencil to Pixel Exhibition

Published August 21, 2013

Frank talks to Dan Rhatigan at the Pencil to Pixel Exhibition and learns more about Monotype and the development of the exhibition.

Frank Romano from the 56th Annual Book Builders Book Awards Show

Published August 14, 2013

Frank joins us this week from the 56th Annual Book Builders Book Awards Show as he gives us a tour of the many different books on display - including ebooks!

Frank Romano: Navy Capitalisation Capitulation, RFID, and Pizza Printing

Published August 7, 2013

Frank reviews several items from the news, including the US Navy no longer using all caps anymore, RFID on plain paper and the implications of that, and a library with no books.

Frank Romano talks to David Spencer about a cloud-based solution for digital press productivity

Published July 31, 2013

David Spencer, President of Spencer Labs, talks to Frank Romano about a new system that measures the productivity of digital presses. The system measures only sellable output and not simply uptime.

Frank Romano on Newspaper Production in the New Age

Published July 24, 2013

This week Frank talks about visiting the America East Conference where he meets three gentlemen and talks about newspaper production in the new age. As usual, Frank has samples!

Frank Romano and Wearable Raspberry Pi

Published July 17, 2013

Richard Cichelli, President of Software Consulting Services, talks to Frank Romano at the Seybold Reunion about wearing a Rasberry Pi personal server around his neck.

Frank Romano Visits Artist Tom Zotos

Published July 10, 2013

Frank Romano visits Tom Zotos, a noted pioneer in the licensed art movement and talks about his new work with dimensional printing using Scodix technology.

Frank Romano on the Value of Print

Published July 3, 2013

In this week's video, Frank discusses the value of print by highlighting some rare printed items that recently sold for high dollar. In other news, Adobe releases a blank font you can't see and MGI installs a press in the Vatican print shop.

Frank Romano on the Personal Printing Revolution

Published June 26, 2013

This week, Frank talks about an article in the Wall Street Journal about "The Personal Printing Revolution That Never Happened" and how consumer's transition to digital impacted it.

Frank Romano on Phonebooks

Published June 19, 2013

This week, Frank talks about getting not one, but TWO phonebooks and questions why he would even get one.

Frank Romano Hopscotches the World for Headlines

Published June 12, 2013

This week, Frank hopscotches the world for headlines - or brings us short news clips with his always witty commentary at a rapid pace. Frank is always looking for interesting tidbits and delivers them to us in a way only he can.

Frank Romano is Amazed by Laser Engraving Demonstration

Published June 5, 2013

Frank talks about seeing a Tripp Company demonstration of laser engraving at a New England Graphic Communications Club that impressed him greatly.

Frank Romano Explains Why Print Cannot Die

Published May 29, 2013

This week, Frank finds a personalized mailing from a local bank and uses it as a jumping off point in explaining why print as a marketing medium will prevail.

Frank Romano Discusses Very Little Things

Published May 22, 2013

This week, Frank finds small things including the world's smallest gas engine that goes in the world's smallest smart car (don't worry it's a joke). He also finds news of the world's smallest printed book and reveals the escalating war going on to lay claim to the world's smallest book.

Frank Romano on the History of Phototypesetting

Published May 15, 2013

This week, Frank talks about the history of phototypesetting while doing a photo shoot for a book cover on the subject.

Frank Talks Die-Cutting from the Museum of Printing

Published May 8, 2013

Frank joins us from the Museum of Printing in North Andover Massachusetts where he talks die-cutting on old letterpress presses.

Frank Reviews Beautifully Printed Magazines He Receives

Published May 1, 2013

This week, Frank shows us some beautifully printed magazines he receives in the mail (probably because he has a certain credit card). In one, he finds an ad for a printing company!

Frank Talks Changes in Newspapers at America East

Published April 24, 2013

Frank Romano joins us from America East Technology and Operations Conference and talks about the changes in the newspaper industry while walking around booths at the show before it opened.

Frank Romano on Tapping New Markets with Digital Printing

Published April 17, 2013

Frank joins us again from Graphics of the Americas where he discovers some cool stuff, including a premium that helps you locate where stars are in the night sky at a given time. Frank uses it as a jumping off point to talk about tapping new markets.

Frank Romano Shares Thoughts on Packaging from GOA

Published April 10, 2013

This week, Frank shares his observations from the Graphics of the Americas Show in Orlando earlier in the year and highlights the packaging segment of the industry and why it's a growth area.

Frank Romano on American Printer

Published April 3, 2013

This week Frank talks about the first magazine for printers, American Printer (formerly The Inland Printer) and discusses its history and continuation as a quarterly by OutputLinks. Frank takes a look at the personalization features of the new incarnation.

Frank Romano Does 3D Effect Finishing at EFI Connect with MGI

Published March 27, 2013

Frank Romano joins us from the EFI Connect Conference in Las Vegas earlier in the year where he talks to Giselle de la Morineier of MGI about their JETvarnish product. We get a feel for their ability to add up to 100 micron raised 3D effects.

Frank Romano...Er Um...Doug Wilson on his film "Linotype: The Film"

Published March 20, 2013

Doug Wilson, Director and Producer of "Linotype: The Film" hijacks Frank Romano's office to tell us about his documentary and how he traveled the world to preserve the history and modern day use of Linotype.

Frank Romano Highlights Bunting Magnetics from EFI Connect

Published March 13, 2013

Frank joins us from the EFI Connect Conference where he encounters the folks from Bunting Magnetics and wonders "what the heck they do". Frank learns about reusable die rollers and shares it with us viewers.

Frank Romano at EFI Connect

Published March 6, 2013

Frank joins us from EFI Connect in Las Vegas with his thoughts on the event as well as EFI, the company.

Frank Romano on Super Thumb Drives

Published February 27, 2013

This week, Frank talks about the new Kingston thumb drive that holds 1 terabyte and uses the news as a way to comment on the ever increasing consumption and use of data.

Frank Romano on receiving 2013 GOA GALA Award

Published February 27, 2013

Frank Romano talks about winning the 2013 GALA Award just after the awards dinner and also shares being named the "Last Standing Industry Curmudgeon Award".

Frank Romano Tours Print World in Canada and Comments on the Industry

Published February 20, 2013

Frank Romano joins us from Toronto Canada at the Print World show where he gives us a tour and talks about small shows in the modern age of the printing industry and what these new dynamics mean for the commercia printer.

Frank Romano on Bi-Textuality

Published February 13, 2013

This week, Frank uses the last print edition of Newsweek magazine as a jumping off point to talk about the print and digital mix and argues for "bi-textuality" - or that we need both print and electronic media.

Frank Romano at the Museum of Printing in Andover

Published February 6, 2013

Frank Romano joins us from the Museum of Printing in Andover, Massachusetts where a letterpress workshop is happening and we get a front row seat to expanding interest in the craft.

Frank Romano Showcases a Great Direct Mail Piece from Jaguar that Incorporates Dimensional Printing

Published January 30, 2013

Frank joins us from Boston where he shows some interesting direct mail pieces that feature dimensional printing that makes them more compelling. The point? You can't do this kind of thing and get this kind of impact on The Internet!

Frank Romano Goes Back to the Future of Inkjet Printing

Published January 23, 2013

This week, Frank gets his hands on an old issue of Graphic Arts Monthly and finds some interesting early information on inkjet printing including what the 1979 industry thought about the applications.

Frank Interviews RIT Student Nick Gawreluk

Published January 16, 2013

Frank talks with Nick Gawreluk, a 4th year RIT student, about his upcoming degree in Media Sciences, where he sees the industry going in the future, and his experiences doing co-ops with industry vendors.

Frank is live and direct from Kodak in Rochester

Published January 9, 2013

This week, Frank joins us live from the Kodak demo center in Rochester New York where he reviews samples printed on the Nexpress that demonstrate new features and capabilities available.

Yes Virginia, there is a printing industry

Published December 14, 2012

The skeptics have all but writen us off The pundits call us a sunset industry Misguided marketers think electronic substitution replaces print But print will prevail

Frank Romano: An Ode to the Thumb Drive

Published December 12, 2012

This week Frank Romano gives us an ode to the thumb drive, that ever-present device now seen at most media events. He has many and they keep getting smaller - just like his real memory.

Frank Romano on the changing nature of magazines and the impact on printing

Published December 5, 2012

This week, Frank talks about the changing nature of magazine printing by showing his latest edition of AARP magazine and BusinessWeek. He covers inserts, promotions, and the emerging digital version.

Frank Romano talks about his first trade show

Published November 28, 2012

This week Frank Romano talks about attending his first industry event - The 7th Educational Graphic Arts Exposition at the newly built New York Coliseum in 1959. (Yes, he still has the flyer)

Frank Romano at the XMPie Users Group Conference

Published November 14, 2012

Frank Romano joins us from Boston at the XMPie User Group Conference and speaks with Dr. Jacob Aizikowitz about listening to users, social media, and personalized video.

Frank Romano on the future of books

Published November 7, 2012

Frank Romano opines about the future of books and tells us they'll be read both electronically AND in print. That's good, right?

Frank Romano on the changing printing industry

Published October 31, 2012

Frank Romano comments on two news items that caught his eye: Scholastic discontinuing the printing of Weekly Reader and The Daily Press selling off it's printing press. He uses this news as a jumping off point to comment on the changing nature of the printing industry.

Frank Romano reviews some creative pieces from Belgium's Dioss

Published October 24, 2012

Frank Romano talks about Dioss from Antwerp Belgium who are doing some interesting marketing pieces with digital printing.

Frank Visits the Site of John Caslon's Foundry in London

Published October 17, 2012

This week, Frank Romano visits the site of the former foundry started by John Caslon in London and talks about the history of type and Caslon's contribution to it.

Frank Romano's Two Interesting Things from Graph Expo

Published October 17, 2012

Frank Romano wraps up Graph Expo 2012 on the last day and gives us his two special things that he found interesting at the show.

Frank Romano interviews David Zwang and talks standards

Published October 10, 2012

Frank Romano talks to David Zwang about the benefits of standards and standards organizations as well as the importance of vendor support to develop standards incorporated into today's products and systems.

Manuel Trevisan talks to Frank Romano about the Italian Printing Market

Published October 3, 2012

Frank Romano continues his international series by speaking with Italian printing consultant Manuel Trevisan and gets insight into the Italian printing market as well as the larger European market.

Frank Interviews the Editor of Middle East Printer in Dubai

Published September 26, 2012

Frank interviews the editor of Middle East Printer Alex Jahanbani and gets his take on the state of the industry there.

Frank Romano on Graph Expo 2012

Published September 26, 2012

Frank Romano talks about the importance of live events to the industry and encourages everyone to join him at this year's Graph Expo show in Chicago.

Frank Romano gets a tour of the print shop on the Queen Mary 2

Published September 19, 2012

This week Frank gets a tour of the printing operation aboard Cunard's Queen Mary 2 from Rosemary Keough, Chief Printer.

Printing Needs at Sea

Published September 12, 2012

Chief Printer Rosemary Keough shares with Frank some of the printing and processes done abord the Queen Mary II cruise liner, the first cruise ship to digital printing.

Frank Romano is in Dubai and gives us a tour of Masar Printing and Publishing

Published September 5, 2012

This week, Frank gives us a look at Masar Printing and Publishing in Dubai. He calls it the most modern printing plant he has ever seen, encompassing over 500,000 square feet of space with presses as far as the eye can see!

Frank Romano reviews the news and talks about where the industry is headed

Published August 29, 2012

Frank Romano, WhatTheyThink's Curmudgeon Emeritus, reviews some recent news items and discusses where he thinks the printing industry is heading - a popular question posed to nowadays.

Frank wraps up his China printing series with Newbold and Pasky

Published August 22, 2012

Frank Romano is in Hong Kong with Joe Pasky and Gary Newbold with the last of his Chinese printing series. They discuss the major trends in Chinese printing in both offset, flexo, and digital.

Frank is back from Hong Kong with Gary Newbold and Joe Pasky

Published August 15, 2012

Frank is back from Hong Kong with Gary Newbold and Joe Pasky where they discuss the different print processes in the Chinese market where offset lithography still dominates.

Frank Romano interviews Gary Newbold and Joe Pasky in Hong Kong

Published August 8, 2012

Frank is back in Hong Kong with Joe Pasky and Gary Newbold, two seasoned consultants familiar with the Chinese printing industry and American print buying and he gets them to share their "horror stories".

Frank gets insight about the difference in American and Chinese printing from industry consultants

Published August 1, 2012

Frank visits with two industry consultants in Hong Kong and gets insights into how the Chinese printing industry compares to that of the United States. This week, Frank speaks with Joe Pasky of Cathay Consulting Services and gets his insights.

Frank Romano Gives His Thoughts on the Current State of Type

Published July 25, 2012

Frank Romano visits the Museum of Printing and discovers original artwork for Linotype typefaces and it launches him into a commentary on the state of typography in the industry today.

Frank Romano talks about a "few little things"

Published July 18, 2012

Frank reviews some recent things that caught his eye. Cashless society, digital wallet, Bill Gates giving printing presses props, photo-conductive printing, flashing beer. Frank has a little bit of everything in this one!

Frank Talks About How to Make Print More Interesting

Published July 11, 2012

Frank shares some print samples from a recent trade show that he thinks make print more interesting and talks about how they were produced using newer inkjet and dimensional technologies.