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Articles by Pat McGrew

Pat is a well-known evangelist for inkjet productivity. At McGrew Group, she uses her decades technical and marketing experience to lead the industry toward optimized business processes and production workflows. She has helped companies to define their five-year plans, audited workflow processes, and developed sales team interventions and education programs. Pat is the Co-Author of 8 industry books, editor of A Guide to the Electronic Document Body of Knowledge, and a regular contributor to Inkjet Insight and WhatTheyThink.com.

Displaying 101-200 of 181 articles

Your Business: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Published December 14, 2021

As we come to the end of the year, Pat McGrew encourages us to reflect on the choices made over the past year and set goals for the coming year. Think about how to evaluate what we have experienced and make a practical plan for 2022.

Time to Talk Turkey about Sales—Part 2: Remembering to Invoice

Published December 7, 2021

Of course, you are invoicing, but are you invoicing the correct amount? Your customer will let you know if you overcharge, but they aren’t as likely to come to you with undercharges. Pat McGrew explains why now is an excellent time to look at your invoices for the last quarter to see if you have a chronic problem.

Plan for Profitability with PlanProphet

Published November 29, 2021

This Product Spotlight looks at PlanProphet, a specialized, complementary solution to your print MIS that acts as your business virtual assistant. Powered by the industry-leading Salesforce CRM, PlanProphet is a cloud-based subscription software that analyzes customer data and behaviors to identify trends and automate touchpoints.

Time to Talk Turkey About Sales—Part 1: Firing Customers and Avoiding Discounts

Published November 16, 2021

We use the phrase “let’s talk turkey” when Thanksgiving is just over a week away…or we want the other party to know that it’s time to get to the bottom line. As you look forward to 2022, Pat McGrew talks turkey about why this is a good time to think about the bottom line for your sales teams and how they interact with customers.

PlanProphet’s Lemay Sanchez on Print Business Optimization

Published November 15, 2021

Pat McGrew and Ryan McAbee talk to Lemay Sanchez, managing director of PlanProphet, about how PlanProphet helps printers optimize their businesses by automating small but critical tasks that are involved in the day-to-day administration.

Don’t Get Spooked by Salespeople!

Published November 9, 2021

There are two sides to every sale: the buyer and the seller. Each party usually has the support of teams that help to solidify the requirements of the sale. hardware and software acquisitions are the result of long relationships with specific salespeople or the companies they represent—but that closeness can bring bias to the sales cycle. Pat McGrew explains how not to get spooked by the friendship.

Haunting Tales of Sales

Published October 19, 2021

As we enter the final months of the calendar year, companies are wrapping up their fiscal year and trying to get sales to close—which can lay the infrastructure for misunderstandings and mistakes. Pat McGrew identifies two common scenarios that can haunt you for a long time after the sale.

Do You Have a Sales Dashboard?

Published October 5, 2021

Sales teams are under increasing pressure to handle more accounts, grow those accounts, and deliver on margins. As a result, sales performance software has become a huge business. Pat McGrew rounds up some leading sales dashboard applications.

Do You Need Data to Sell?

Published September 21, 2021

Sales teams want leads, but they also want to know what the state of the market is. There is a sense that having data in hand will make the selling process easier. It might, but it might lead you astray, especially if it reflects a market of the past. Pat McGrew explains how to use data effectively to plan for the future.

Four Tips for Your Sales Succession Plan

Published August 31, 2021

Printing companies, already struggling with staffing in the office and in production, have a new concern. Sales team members are resigning, too. Sometimes without much notice, precipitated by requirements to return to an office or return to travel. Pat McGrew offers advice for developing a sales succession strategy to ensure that new salespeople quick acquire the knowledge of someone who is leaving.

What’s Your Sales Succession Plan?

Published August 17, 2021

One consequence of the pandemic has been an increase in employee turnover, especially in sales. Pat McGrew talks about how print businesses can cope with top sales talent exiting the company.

The Five Steps to Managing Pricing—Part 2

Published July 27, 2021

If you are struggling with setting prices or trying to decide when it’s time to change prices, Pat McGrew offers some starting points with this two-part series on five steps for managing pricing. This second part involves looking not just as the products you sell, but the services, too, and then reviewing and executing your pricing plan.

The Five Steps to Managing Pricing—Part 1

Published July 13, 2021

If you are struggling with setting prices or trying to decide when it’s time to change prices, Pat McGrew offers some starting points with this two-part series on five steps for managing pricing. This first part involves understanding your costs and your current pricing.

Know Your Privacy Laws

Published July 1, 2021

In the latest edition of the “Things That Are Legal that You Probably Need to Know” series, Pat McGrew talks to University of Colorado Professor Linda Fried about the recently passed Colorado privacy act—and similar acts in other states and potentially nationally—and what they mean for the printing industry and direct mail.

Let’s Do a Sales Team Tune-Up! Here’s Your Checklist!

Published June 8, 2021

Companies that have been in business for more than a few years usually have well-oiled sales machines, but mergers, acquisitions, changes in production capabilities, and market fluctuations could push the plan out of sync. That puts the business at risk. Sales needs to sell to the current capabilities and help set the strategy for future investments to support what customers are moving toward in their purchases. Contributor Pat McGrew identifies what items should be on your sales assessment checklist.

Court Ruling on Debt Collection Communications Puts Printing Companies on Notice

Published June 7, 2021

April came with more than showers for any PSP who prints for debt collectors. It also came with a ruling from the 11th Circuit Court that prohibits collection companies from using the services of PSPs to print and mail debt collection letters and related notices. If you are one of these PSPs, listen to this video with Pat McGrew and Dr. Linda Fried (University of Colorado Business School) before you have a conversation with your legal team. If you aren't printing collection letters, you still might want to listen. Linda tells us that this puts many other types of communication printed by service bureaus at risk!

Are You Buying the Wrong Software? Valuable Tips to Tell!

Published May 25, 2021

It is very possible that the software in your workflow is not the best fit for your business! Business workflow suites and production workflow suites can be found for every size and type of business and at every price point. You can even find freeware for some of your common tasks. But just because it looks good and meets your budget doesn’t mean it’s the software for you. Pat McGrew explains how and why.

How to Keep Your Customers with Software

Published May 17, 2021

As part of our preview of next week’s Technology Outlook Week, Pat McGrew looks at how your workflow infrastructure and the software that supports it can foster customer loyalty.

What’s Your Visibility Quotient?

Published May 11, 2021

Whether you are a printing company, a marketing services company, or a vendor who serves them with hardware or software, potential customers can only find you if they see you, and today it takes more than a Facebook page or website. The odds that your Instagram page or LinkedIn page will attract attention independently aren’t very great in today’s crowded market. You need a visibility plan. Pat McGrew explains what that is, and how to create one.

Three Capabilities You Should Be Selling!

Published April 27, 2021

In competitive industries like print there are so many options for a print buyer that you can find yourself undercut, even if you believe you have a good customer relationship. To differentiate your company and offerings, think about your people, your processes, and your technologies. What makes you different? What can you offer that would be hard for your competitors to mimic?

Three Things to Know About the Workflow Behind Variable Content

Published April 6, 2021

Variable content can add value, streamline supply chains, and create engaging customer experiences, but it takes some work. There is more complexity to the creative process, more steps to proof and approval, and more challenges in delivery. Contributor Pat McGrew looks at the current state of variable-data technology with an eye on where it’s going.  

Three Buyer and Seller Rules: Feedback Worth Sharing on Selling Your Software!

Published March 9, 2021

Pat McGrew responds to feedback she received from a recent article on selling software, shares some ill-fated buyer stories, and draws up  “three rules for software buyers” and “three rules for software sellers.”

So…You Want to Buy Some Software!

Published March 2, 2021

More and more printing companies are engaging with workflow automation solutions, which tend to bring better margins and often increase available capacity with current equipment. This is a path open to all companies—but walk carefully. In this feature, Pat McGrew explains how to evaluate your current software environment and what areas can offer the biggest returns.

So…Someone Wants to Buy Your Software

Published February 16, 2021

Selling software is not like selling hardware. Pat McGrew offers tips and suggestions for acquiring the skillset needed to successfully sell software solutions.

Are You Ready for Compliance?

Published February 2, 2021

Since the emergence of the original European Data Protection Act and the follow-on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), building a privacy protocol has been a topic in companies around the world. The codification of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), however, changed the trajectory of the conversation. It is far-reaching and touches all of us. Pat McGrew interviews University of Colorado Professor Linda Fried to provide background and guidance.

Pat McGrew Talks to Linda Fried About Compliance

Published February 2, 2021

Pat McGrew talks to University of Colorado Professor Linda Fried to provide background and guidance on the topic of compliance, or building privacy protocols following the original European Data Protection Act and the more recent California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Three Things to Start Doing in 2021

Published January 5, 2021

Pat McGrew offers her list of three recommendations for print businesses to start doing that will help them grow and thrive. The print business may continue on a roller coaster as we move through the first half of the year, but that makes it a great time to tune your workflows and ensure you are getting the most from each of your systems.

“Do You Want Fries with That?”—Consider Incremental Selling, Part 2

Published November 17, 2020

Take a look at the product mix you offer. What products can you pair up or also offer to increase your offerings to customers? In part 2 of a two-part feature, Pat McGrew helps you identify the “fries” you can offer customers.

“Do You Want Fries with That?”—Consider Incremental Selling

Published October 27, 2020

Take a look at the product mix you offer. What products can you pair up or also offer to increase your offerings to customers? Pat McGrew explains how incremental sales can be a winning strategy for print businesses.

Building a Realistic Sales and Marketing Strategy

Published October 6, 2020

How many meetings have you been a part of where the head of sales points fingers at the marketing team and exclaims that no leads are being delivered, therefore marketing is failing? How many meetings have you been a part of where marketing details their program and engagement plan with no feedback from the sales teams? Pat McGrew explains how to get everyone on the same page and not working at cross-purposes.

What’s Your Strategy Strategy?

Published September 29, 2020

In any business, there can be multiple strategies, developed in individual departments with the best intentions, but resulting in a series of disconnected plans that have little chance of moving the company forward. In this article, Pat McGrew defines what constitutes a good strategy, and how you can (and should) combine your company’s assorted strategies into a single cohesive and actionable strategy.

Creating A Sales Strategy?—Part 2: Where Are You Going?

Published September 22, 2020

In part 2 of a two-part series looking at sales strategies, Pat McGrew focuses on updating or building your strategy, formulating a vision statement, and getting everyone in the company on board.

Creating A Sales Strategy—Part 1: Where Are You Now?

Published August 25, 2020

Now that you know that you have both a marketing workflow and a sales workflow, it’s time to consider your sales strategy and what you need to support that strategy. Pat McGrew identifies what you need to evaluate your strategy and support it with collateral.

What’s in Your Marketing Workflow?—Part 2: Creating a Plan

Published August 18, 2020

Last month, Pat McGrew offered tips and strategies for optimizing your sales workflow. This month, she turns to marketing workflows. When times get tough, marketing often disappears from the radar. For companies that have not been marketing their services, the challenge of remaining visible in a chaotic market is even harder. In Part 2 of this two-part series, Pat describes how to develop a strategic marketing plan.

Partnering! Canva Brings the Creative to Office Depot Customers

Published August 11, 2020

Thanks to a new collaboration between the global design platform Canva and the robust workplace solutions team at Office Depot, small businesses can quickly and easily develop creative content for different kinds of print and non-print applications—everything from reports and posters to menus and yard signs, even social media marketing campaigns.

What’s Your Marketing Workflow?—Part 1: Building a Framework

Published August 4, 2020

Last month, Pat McGrew offered tips and strategies for optimizing your sales workflow. This month, she turns to marketing workflows. When times get tough, marketing often disappears from the radar. For companies that have not been marketing their services, the challenge of remaining visible in a chaotic market is even harder. In Part 1 of this two-part series, Pat describes how to set up a marketing workflow.

What’s in Your Sales Workflow?—Part 2: Workflows Have Building Blocks

Published July 21, 2020

“Sales Workflow.” These seem like two separate concepts, but sales is a process, processes have workflows, and workflows have building blocks. In part two of this two-part series, Pat McGrew explains how customers are one of those building blocks, and how you manage your relationship with them directly impacts your bottom line.

What’s Your Sales Workflow?—Part 1: Managing Customer Relations

Published July 14, 2020

In this two-part series, Pat McGrew offers advice, tips, and strategies for optimizing your “sales workflow.” In part one, she takes a look at managing customer relationships via a CRM.

drupa 2021 Essentials of Print: Assessments, Platforms, and Making Money with Workflow

Published July 13, 2020

The most expensive things you do in your printing plant every day involve talking to clients and physically touching their work. You talk to clients to better understand the work they want you to do, and you touch the work, in prepress or at other points in the process to ensure that the client’s intent is rendered on to the substrate. But every conversation and every touch has a financial impact. While you rely on workflow tools to aid the process, in most companies there are also spreadsheets, whiteboards, and sticky notes used to gather and communicate information about the jobs-in-progress. It’s only natural! However, the more you talk and touch, the less money you make on the job.

What’s in YOUR Workflow?—Part 2: Prepress and Getting on Press

Published May 21, 2020

Every type of plant can build a better workflow, one that is efficient and scalable, that helps to save production costs, and adds to operational efficiency. The place to start is with a tour around your plant. Pat McGrew continues her “virtual guided tour” of a plant's workflow, and some key questions to ask at each stop along the way.

What’s in YOUR Workflow?—Part 1: File Onboarding and Print Prep

Published May 18, 2020

Every type of plant can build a better workflow, one that is efficient and scalable, that helps to save production costs, and adds to operational efficiency. The place to start is with a tour around your plant. Pat McGrew provides a “virtual guided tour” of a plant's workflow, and some key questions to ask at each stop along the way.

How to Stay in Business in Rocky Times—Market and Promote!

Published May 5, 2020

This is a great time to evaluate your go-to-market plan and see if it needs some augmentation or modification—or a complete overhaul. In the second of two articles, Pat McGrew offers some ideas for jump-starting your marketing plans.  

Labels Are Hot: Embellishments Are Hotter

Published April 27, 2020

Pat McGrew looks at some recent examples of label embellishments and explores how you can expand your business with these technology advancements.

How to Stay in Business in Rocky Times—A Change of Plan

Published April 21, 2020

Before the world changed in March, you probably had a sales and marketing plan in place, which now seems obsolete and ineffective. In the first of two articles, Pat McGrew outlines some strategies for drawing up a new sales and marketing plan based on your current situation.  

Selling CYMK+: A Starter Guide (Part 2)

Published March 31, 2020

One of the popular additions to print shops around the world is the ability to create products that add white ink, embossing, debossing, foil, iridescent and neon colors, metallics, varnishes, texture, and unique folds to create high value. We call it CYMK+ because much of this work is created on digital presses and the ability to add enhancements is the plus. The breadth of options for enhancement provide myriad possibilities, but that might make it hard to find a talk track for the sales team. In part two of this two-part feature, Pat McGrew explains how to build a sales kit to sell CMYK+ capabilities.

Selling CYMK+: A Starter Guide (Part 1)

Published March 17, 2020

One of the popular additions to print shops around the world is the ability to create products that add white ink, embossing, debossing, foil, iridescent and neon colors, metallics, varnishes, texture, and unique folds to create high value. We call it CYMK+ because much of this work is created on digital presses and the ability to add enhancements is the plus. The breadth of options for enhancement provide myriad possibilities, but that might make it hard to find a talk track for the sales team. In this two-part feature, Pat McGrew walks through the steps to sell CMYK+ capabilities.

The Sales Process Review Crawl

Published February 25, 2020

No one likes reviews, but they can be a necessary evil. In this article, Pat McGrew explains how acquiring comprehensive data about jobs sold—and keeping that job database updated—can make the review process quick and painless.

Do Reviews Annoy Your Salespeople?

Published February 11, 2020

Which print sales people are compensated for a sale, and at what rate, is often part of a contractual relationship between the company and the sales representative, but not always. Sometimes the relationships are based on “how things have always been done” or verbal agreements. And not every deal brought in is a winner. As a result, some kind of periodic review is necessary for the business to effectively allocate its production resources. In Part 1 of a new series, Pat McGrew discusses sales review processes.

Here Is Your 2020 Sales Template

Published January 27, 2020

One of the most important activities at the start of the year is a quick review of the processes that go into ensuring the smooth flow of business. Often overlooked is how sales team members gather the information needed to bring a job into production, whether it is a new job or one that has been in production for years. Pat McGrew offers a template to use to standardize the information captured during the sales process.  

Three Easy Sales Enhancers for Q1 2020

Published January 13, 2020

Every new year brings new opportunities to grow your business. From printers to the vendors who support them, there is an opportunity in every segment and in every size print shop. Pat McGrew identifies three main “sales enhancers” to add to your 2020 business plan.

Three Things to Stop Doing in 2020

Published December 17, 2019

As 2020 approaches, it’s a great time to break bad habits that can be costing your business money. Pat McGrew identifies three bad habits for print businesses to break in 2020.

How To Sell Enhanced Printing

Published December 3, 2019

“Digital enhancement” or enhanced printing is one of the hottest trends in the industry and has been the talk of many recent trade shows—but enhanced print doesn’t sell itself. Pat McGrew offers some tips and strategies for selling enhanced printing to maximize ROI.

Avanti’s Red Hot Technology Awards

Published November 27, 2019

Pat Bolan, President of Avanti, talks to Pat McGrew about the company’s Red Hot Technology Award-winning enhancements to Avanti Slingshot at PRINT 19—Advanced Fulfillment Workflow Enhancement and the XML Loader Enhancement for Web to Print solutions.

Kodak Celebrates 20 Years of Prinergy in Berlin

Published November 19, 2019

Kodak Prinergy celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, and European customers marked the occasion with a gala held in Berlin, Germany, last October. WhatTheyThink’s Pat McGrew attended the event.

Where Marketing and Sales Overlap—Evaluate Marketing Activities

Published November 12, 2019

In Part 2 of Pat McGrew’s two-part series on sales and marketing for print businesses, she looks at how to evaluate marketing activities so they more closely align with sales efforts.

Where Marketing and Sales Overlap

Published November 5, 2019

In Part 1 of Pat McGrew’s two-part series on sales and marketing for print businesses, she looks at the difference between sales professionals and marketing professionals and where the two processes overlap.

Enabling Sales with the Right Story—The Wrap Up

Published October 22, 2019

Pat McGrew wraps up her 12-part series on selling in today’s print environment with some tips for how to tap into the do-it-yourself market, specifically, the variety of businesses that cater to DIYers who are happy to rebuild their lawnmower, re-roof a shed, or add features to kitchen.

Customer Communications at PRINT 19

Published October 10, 2019

Keypoint Intelligence - InfoTrends’ Pat McGrew and Marc Mascara discuss customer communications software and solutions on display at last week’s PRINT 19, and how they relate to trends that Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends has been tracking.

Enabling Sales with the Right Story—The Gig Economy

Published October 8, 2019

The individuals and small businesses who cut lawns, build gardens, and trim trees, as well as independent carpenters, painters, drywall professionals, plumbers, and electricians are all potential print customers. In the latest installment of Pat McGrew's ongoing series on selling in today’s print environment, she provides some tips for approaching “gig” workers and identifies some of the unique printed product requirements these folks have. 

Enabling Sales with the Right Story—Cater to People’s Interests and Hobbies

Published September 10, 2019

Car enthusiasts. Hiking and biking clubs. Adult hockey leagues. Senior golf associations. Dance troupes. In the latest installment of Pat McGrew's ongoing series on selling in today’s print environment, she provides some tips for approaching hobbyists and other groups and clubs, as well as the unique printed product requirements these kinds of groups have.  

Enabling Sales with the Right Story—Take Advantage of Trade Shows

Published August 27, 2019

In the latest installment of Pat McGrew's ongoing series on selling in today’s print environment, she provides some tips for using trade shows—not necessarily printing industry shows, but home and garden shows, car shows, hobbyist shows, and other private events—to develop new business opportunities.

Enabling Sales with the Right Story—Using Targeted Print Samples: Restaurants

Published August 13, 2019

In the latest installment of Pat McGrew's ongoing series on selling in today’s print environment, she builds on the previous installment and puts together a print sample kit for a different specific vertical market: restaurants. If you or your sales reps are trying to sell your services to these kinds of establishments, what kinds of items should you include in your Restaurant Marketing Sample Kit?

Enabling Sales with the Right Story—Using Targeted Print Samples: Banks

Published July 30, 2019

In part 7 of Pat McGrew's ongoing series on selling in today’s print environment, she puts together a print sample kit for a specific vertical market: banks. If you or your sales reps are trying to sell your services to a bank, what kinds of items should you include in your Bank Marketing Sample Kit?

Enabling Sales with the Right Story: How To Demonstrate Your Company’s Capabilities

Published July 23, 2019

In part 6 of Pat McGrew's ongoing series on selling in today’s print environment, she identifies some specific print samples to use to demonstrate your company’s capabilities.

Enabling Sales with the Right Story: Evaluating Your Print Samples

Published July 16, 2019

In part 5 of Pat McGrew's ongoing series on selling in today’s print environment, she talks about how to evaluate the print samples your sales team uses to sell your company’s capabilities.

Enabling Sales with the Right Story: Are Using the Right Print Samples?

Published June 18, 2019

In part 4 of Pat McGrew's series on selling in today’s print environment, she talks about how to make sure the print samples your sales team uses reflect the products you specifically want to sell.

Enabling Sales with the Right Story: How to use Print Samples in the Sales Process

Published June 4, 2019

In part 3 of Pat McGrew series on selling in today’s print environment, she talks about how to use print samples in the sales process.

Enabling Sales with the Right Story: Creating Compelling Stories with Print Samples

Published May 30, 2019

In part 2 of Pat McGrew's series on selling in today’s print environment, she talks about how print samples are at their most effective when there are compelling stories associated with them. 

Enabling Sales with the Right Story: “Prerequisites” for Today’s Print Sales

Published April 30, 2019

Pat McGrew launches a new series on selling in today’s print environment. In this introductory installment, she identifies some of the “prerequisites” that today’s print sales people need to take with them on any sales call—regardless of what kind of sales method they use.

When Mayhem Calls—Part 4

Published April 16, 2019

Planning for a catastrophe is something that every business owner knows they should do. At some point there is usually some effort applied, a plan developed, filed away, and the box checked that there is a business continuity/disaster recovery plan on file. It makes the auditors happy! But, when mayhem actually calls, will your plan actuallywork? In part four of this series, Pat McGrew offers tips on how to design and execute a continuity plan.

When Mayhem Calls: Part Three

Published April 2, 2019

Business as usual is great...when business is usual. But what happens when disaster or some other disruption hits the shop? It can be a business killer if it prevents execution of contracted customer work. Do you have an emergency plan? In Part Three of this series, Pat McGrew offers tips on setting up contingency plans for when mayhem calls.

When Mayhem Calls: Part Two

Published March 12, 2019

Business as usual is great...when business is usual. But what happens when disaster or some other disruption hits the shop? It can be a business killer if it prevents execution of contracted customer work. Do you have an emergency plan? In part two of this new series, Pat McGrew offers tips on planning for the worst and how to manage customer expectations.

When Mayhem Calls: Part One

Published March 5, 2019

Business as usual is great...when business is usual. But what happens when disaster or some other disruption hits the shop? It can be a business killer if it prevents execution of contracted customer work. Do you have an emergency plan? In part one of this new series, Pat McGrew offers tips on planning for the worst.

Three Ways to Unleash the ROI of New Equipment

Published February 19, 2019

Once a new piece of equipment has been installed and the vendor training team has exited the building, the work is just beginning. Without understanding the real advantages of the new equipment, assessing and updating “talk tracks” for sales team members, and revisiting the marketing collateral and campaigns, the return on that investment may not be truly realized. Pat McGrew explains how to optimize pricing, sales, and marketing to get the most out of the new equipment investment.

Gen Z Marketing Madness: What Was Old is New Again!

Published February 14, 2019

Gen Zers—despite being branded as digital natives—are embracing more traditional media types. This article explores how Gen Z consumers interact with communications and discusses how increased knowledge about this generation can be turned into actionable implementation of direct mail marketing, TransPromo communications, and advertising support.

Pricing for ROI in 2019

Published January 29, 2019

If you have invested in new equipment in the last year, did you go back and change your supporting processes to ensure you are pricing your work appropriately? The ability to understand the actual cost of goods sold after new equipment is installed and put into production is essential. Despite best intentions, few organizations go through this process. Make 2019 the year that you update your understanding of your true costs and update your quoting, estimating and pricing assumptions.

Update on HP's Digital Packaging Strategy

Published March 15, 2018

HP’s Media day focused on packaging this year, which is a very hot topic. This article explores how the PageWide Industrial C500 cut-sheet corrugated inkjet printer expands the number of options for corrugated packages and the people who design them for brands.

Here’s How You Can Help Take the Pulse of the Industry!

Published December 14, 2017

When approached to participate in a survey, the initial response for many is to decline because participation takes time and the value proposition is not always clear. This article explores the benefits that survey data can deliver to the industry as a whole.

What Made LabelExpo 2017 So Important?

Published October 12, 2017

This year’s LabelExpo event in Brussels was so much more than a trade show that gave vendors a chance to meet customers and impress prospects. This article provides a brief overview of the event, which invited attendees to “Gain an Unfair Advantage.”

Print 2017 Continues its Innovative Strides

Published September 14, 2017

A trade show is always an interesting ecosystem, and the Print 2017 event in Chicago was no exception. This article provides a brief overview of the highlights from the show floor.

Locating Who to Talk To… It’s an Art and a Science!

Published July 27, 2017

Having a list of addresses simply isn’t enough in this modern age. Modern marketers are obligated to create an easy path to purchase, especially in an age where brick-and-mortar stores must compete with easy online purchases. This article explores how Geoservices tools can guide people to products by defining clear targeted areas for marketing campaigns.