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Articles by Cary Sherburne

Cary Sherburne is a well-known author, journalist and marketing consultant whose practice is focused on marketing communications strategies for the printing and publishing industries.

Cary Sherburne is available for speaking engagements and consulting projects. To get more information contact us.

Please offer your feedback to Cary. She can be reached at [email protected].

Displaying 101-200 of 984 articles

A Complete Reboot at Walker360 Results in Exponential Productivity Gains

Published February 7, 2024

Cary Sherburne explores how Walker360 completely restructured its production platform—and realized exponential productivity gains.

Dealing with Dyes: Two Recent Developments Promise to Improve Textile Sustainability

Published February 6, 2024

Cary Sherburne looks at Mimaki’s Neo Chromato Process, a pilot project that removes ink dye-sublimated onto textiles, and a project underway in India that uses an aerogel adsorbent modified with graphene to remove trace pollutants from wastewater.

Matthew Gresge Takes the Reins at SGS & Co.

Published January 25, 2024

Matthew is new to SGS & Co, but certainly not to the industry. He explains to Cary Sherburne all the connections that made taking on this new role an excellent opportunity. He talks about their role as an intermediary between brands/retailers and printers/packaging converters, how technology is changing the rules, and why he was excited to learn that SGS & Co was already using AI. And much, much, more. This is a not-to-miss interview!

Clothing Returns Are Killing Us!

Published January 22, 2024

Did you know that most of what you buy online and ship back as a return ends up in the landfill? It’s too expensive for most companies or their reverse logistics operators to put them back up for sale, so they just ship them off to the landfill. In this space, we have written a great deal about the evil effects of Fast Fashion, and this is just another one. I hope after reading this article, you will take a serious look at your buying habits. The truth is, we as consumers hold the power. If we stop buying Fast Fashion, and if we discontinue the detrimental practice of bracketing shopping, we can make a huge difference. Don’t know what bracketing shopping is or if you are guilty of it? Read on!

First COP28, Now Davos

Published January 15, 2024

You are probably hearing a great deal about Davos in the media these days. This follows last year’s COP28 session, another gathering of world leaders and influencers discussing topics critical to pretty much everyone on the planet. In this article, we explain what “Davos” is and why it’s important. Full Disclosure: Google Bard helped me write this article.

CleanTech360 Helps Organizations Adapt to Today's Accelerated Business Environment

Published January 15, 2024

In 2024 and beyond, there will be increased focus on organizational agility and sustainability. Teuta Oruci, Founder and CEO of CleanTech360, is helping organizations around the globe establish and execute against goals in order to remain competitive in an increasingly accelerated business environment. Hear what she has to say about why this is important, as well as her comments about COP28, which she attended, and this week's Davos summit.

Sustainability 2024: A Look Ahead

Published January 8, 2024

A look ahead to 2024 likely includes an even hotter year than 2023, which was a record breaker. Sustainability goals and efforts will increasingly be in the crosshairs—government agencies, industry watchdogs, brand owners, and consumers all are looking to drive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, plastic waste and more, supporting companies that have sustainability as a key business driver. Printing and packaging companies who aggressively pursue reduction in their own environmental footprint, and work closely with customers to help them calculate theirs, will have a competitive advantage in 2024 and beyond.

Alphagraphics Wood Dale Records Another Banner Year

Published January 8, 2024

Jeff Bittner, owner of the Wood Dale Alphagraphics, is an enthusiastic owner who has had record performance seven out of the last eight years (as you can imagine, 2020 was the year that was left out). In this interview, he discussed his philosophy for running the business and why he believes belonging to a franchise network offers significant benefits for owners.

Fast Tracking Fashion: Inspiring Stories from the World of On-Demand Textiles and Apparel

Published December 14, 2023

On-demand production has transformed many industries, although it has been slower to gain traction in textiles and apparel. Today, though, there are fewer barriers, the biggest being the mindsets and business models of brands and retailers. Cary Sherburne looks at some companies who are on the cutting-edge of on-demand textile production.

Mimaki Offers an Integrated Direct to Film Printing Solution

Published December 14, 2023

Direct to Film printing is gaining steam and Mimaki has joined the fray. Victoria Harris, Senior Textile Segment Specialist, explains how the system works. Unlike many others in the market, it is a full end-to-end integrated system that provides a faster cycle time and prevents some of the issues print providers have had with multi-phase disconnected systems, including containment of the adhesive powder used in direct to film printing. She also discussed when to use direct to film versus direct to garment solutions.

Thinking Outside the Box: RR Donnelley Boosts Digital Capacity in Packaging and Display Graphics with an EFI Nozomi Digital Press

Published December 13, 2023

Senior editor Cary Sherburne speaks with Brian Techter, Senior Vice President of RR Donnelly's Packaging and Labeling Solutions Group, who has recently added an EFI Nozomi single-pass digital direct to corrugated press in the company’s Milwaukee plant. He talks about the reasons Nozomi was chosen, what he sees as the value of digital, and where he sees it going in the future.

Is Artificial Intelligence Relevant to a Printing Company?

Published December 12, 2023

In this interview, eProductivity Software VP of Product Management Nick Benkovich answers this question and more. If you think AI is not relevant to your business, or even if you do, you should listen to this discussion. Like many things in our past, it's not a fad, although still emerging, and whether or not a printing company takes advantage of its capabilities, it behooves owners and managers to stay current with its evolution, and especially insight from industry thought leaders like Benkovich!

WhatTheyThink and Cal Poly Team Up to Plan a Meaningful Visit to drupa 2024 for Cal Poly Graphic Communication Students

Published December 12, 2023

Colleen Twomey, Professor and Graphic Communication Department Chair, Cal Poly, provides some background on the graphic communication program, how it has evolved over the years, and also talks about the WhatTheyThink/Cal Poly project to send six students to drupa 2024, giving them the opportunity to work in a publishing environment and also experience the world's largest printing trade show.

PicoNext Survey Highlights Consumer Distrust of Brand Sustainability Claims

Published December 11, 2023

PicoNext, a sustainability and customer engagement platform helping brands develop Digital Product Passports, recently conducted a survey of 1,000 consumers in the U.S. and Europe to gain feedback on brand sustainability. In this interview, Founder Dave Dickson explains what a Digital Product Passport is, how they are developed and used, and also summarizes the results of the company's consumer survey.

Mimaki's Neo-Chromato Process Enables De-Inking of Dye-Sublimated Textiles

Published December 7, 2023

One of the huge sustainability issues facing the textiles and apparel industry is the amount of post-consumer waste, much of which ends up in landfills. Mimaki is working to address this with a pilot project. Its Neo-Chromato Process removes inks from dye-sublimated fabric, resulting in a "clean" fabric that can be reprinted. Mimaki's Victoria Harris explains.

COP28 Highlights: What’s on the Agenda

Published December 4, 2023

COP28—the United Nations’ annual meeting on climate change—is currently underway in Dubai as this is being written, and many world leaders and climate activists are in attendance. The annual meeting, taking place from November 30 to December 12, has a heavy agenda. In this article, we cover some of the early highlights of the event, topics to be discussed, and comments from some of the leading attendees.

The Hard Facts about Climate Change: Are Mitigation Efforts Enough?

Published November 27, 2023

Are you tired of hearing about climate change? So am I, actually, but it’s something none of us can afford to ignore. In a recent report, consulting firm McKinsey posits that adapting to climate change requires a systemic approach. We dig into their theses in this article, and hold out hope that some meaningful progress will be made at the upcoming COP28 in the UAE.

Dressing Up Downtown: Adobe’s New HQ Building in San Jose, Calif.

Published November 13, 2023

During a recent visit to San Jose, Calif., I had the opportunity to tour the Adobe headquarters, including its brand-new building, the Founders Tower. It’s an impressive example of what a work environment should look like today, and it also demonstrates Adobe’s dedication to continuing to invest in Silicon Valley. In addition to getting an update on the company’s history, a look at the many on-site restaurants and other amenities, and the great view, I got a sneak peek at Project Primrose. Read on.

Generative AI: Taking AI to the Next Level

Published November 6, 2023

We recently published an AI explainer that explained the basics of artificial intelligence. In this article, we take it to the next level, explaining generative AI, which refers to the concept of creating an advanced form of artificial intelligence that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can do. Scary thought! But the fact is that it is not only coming, but already here. In fact, I’m almost certain you have seen AI-generated images which, if not designated as such, can be mistaken for reality. But there are also advantages to getting on board early, at least gaining an understanding of genAI and how it might impact your business. Read on to learn more.

Brian Techter of RR Donnelley Discusses EFI Nozomi Acquisition

Published October 30, 2023

Brian Techter, SVP, RRD Packaging & Labeling Solutions, discusses their recent acquisition of an EFI Nozomi single-pass digital direct-to-board printing solution in their Milwaukee plant, including how the system will be used and his view of the evolution of the packaging and display graphics markets as digital production continues to gain traction.

Green Agriculture: Shaping the Future of Farming and Producing “Greener” Natural Fibers

Published October 30, 2023

When we write about sustainability in textiles, we are often talking about the manufacturing processes. But for true sustainability, we need to go back a step further to understand where the feed stocks are coming from. Senior editor Cary Sherburne looks at what progress has been made in sustainable agricultural processes.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): An Explainer

Published October 16, 2023

It seems like news about artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, but most of it seems to assume that readers or listeners have a basic understanding of what AI is…and I’m not sure that’s accurate. That’s why we decided to dig into the topic and provide this basic explainer for our members. Note: This article was partially written by ChatGPT, an AI application.

SPESA Works to Build Cut-and-Sew Database

Published October 16, 2023

One of the biggest barriers to reshoring of apparel manufacturing to the U.S. is the lack of sewing talent. Among its many initiatives, SPESA, the association for suppliers to the sewn products industry, is working to build a database of cut-and-sew operations in the U.S. SPESA President Michael McDonald talks about these and other challenges the sewn products industry—and textiles as a whole—is facing.

Raspberry Creek Fabrics Continues to Grow and Diversify

Published October 10, 2023

Raspberry Creek Fabrics, located in Utah, produces custom fabrics on-demand using digital printing technologies, a sustainable approach to producing apparel fabrics. The company is also primarily using Western Hemisphere mills, and partners with some local cut-and-sew shops if customers want that service. Also new is an integration with Etsy and a booming wallpaper business. Learn more in this interview with co-founder Justin Rammell.

SwagCycle Continues to Deliver Landfill Diversion and Support to Charitable Organizations

Published October 9, 2023

In this interview, Ben Grossman of Boston-based Grossman Marketing, talks about his ninth acquisition in a decade, further expanding the company's Southeastern US footprint. He also provides an update on SwagCycle, an initiative dedicated to landfill diversion by arranging donations of unwanted, branded material to a variety of charitable organizations, including those helping with disaster relief, refugees, needy children, and more.

Is “Secondhand Chic” a Viable Path to More Sustainable Fashion?

Published October 9, 2023

It seems that each and every day there is more alarming news about the state of Planet Earth. July, August and September were Earth’s hottest three months on record. This ups the ante for humans residing on Earth…we are running out of time to change course. And the textiles and apparel industry, in particular, has a lot of work to do. In this article, we take a look at two successful businesses, one for profit and one not for profit, that are working hard to keep textile products out of landfills, redirecting them to a second life, which in turn can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consumption levels, if only by a little. We hope their stories will educate and inspire you, and that you, too, will take some action.

ICYMI: Sewn in the USA: Will Textile Manufacturing Really Come Back Home?

Published October 5, 2023

The COVID pandemic laid bare the frailties of the global supply chain. There was much discussion in the textiles and apparel industry about how to mitigate the issues experienced when shipping product from Asia—included more consideration of reshoring or near-shoring to Latin America. Cary Sherburne looks at the post-COVID state of re- and near-shoring textiles production.

Unleashing the Power of Fiery: A Consultant's Journey in Revolutionizing Printing Workflows

Published October 2, 2023

A growing number of printing companies are placing increased focus on workflow automation as the industry continues to face competitive challenges, both from inside and outside the industry. In this article, sponsored by Fiery LLC, we speak with Meredith Nichols of Nichols Associates, who is Fiery Certified as well as a Certified G7 Expert. She explains how she works with clients to help them reach those automation goals.

RR Donnelley Acquires a Nozomi, EFI Gears Up for PRINTING United

Published September 19, 2023

In this wide-ranging interview, EFI's Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, Ken Hanulec, talks about RR Donnelley's acquisition of its first Nozomi, the growth in worldwide Nozomi installations, a description of the four models—two for corrugated and two for display graphics—and a look ahead at what EFI has planned for PRINTING United.

Digital Direct-to-Film Gaining Steam but Challenges Remain

Published September 18, 2023

In recent months, we have seen a number of printer manufacturers jump into the digital direct-to-film (DTF) market, some with equipment dedicated to that application, and others hybrid DTF/DTG (direct-to-garment) solutions. Senior editor Cary Sherburne takes a look at the current lay of the land.

Traceability in Apparel: A Goal Without an End Point in Sight

Published September 11, 2023

The fashion industry has been under fire for some time over its excessive carbon footprint and the pollution it generates. Now a new metric is being thrown into the mix: Traceability. In this article, we define traceability and cite several reports that paint a not-very-flattering picture of progress the industry is making.

BMC.fashion Sees Continued Growth in On Demand Fashion

Published September 11, 2023

Kirby Best is a veteran of on-demand, including his days running an on-demand book printing business, and now with a successful cut-and-sew factory in Arizona. Best shares the latest updates, including an exciting project in the bridal industry.

The Hidden Cost of Retail Returns

Published August 28, 2023

The volume of returns of unwanted purchased goods has skyrocketed, especially for ecommerce retailers. In fact, the value of returns in 2021 was greater than the U.S. government spend on national defense! There are programs in place to help mitigate this wasteful practice, including aggressive actions by Amazon and others to help with landfill diversion.

Design Lab Miami Offers Sewing Education in Refugee Camps Around the Globe

Published August 28, 2023

Angie Cohen founded Design Lab Miami nearly 15 years ago, starting with a studio whose goal was to educate children about sewing, life skills, sustainability, and more. Today, she not only runs the studio, with students as young as 7, but she also travels the globe, primarily visiting refugee camps and developing countries to share those skills with young women, giving them the tools to make their way to a better life. In this interview, Angie shares the Design Lab story and some of her plans for the future.

Are Cooling Fabrics the Next Hot Thing in Apparel?

Published August 21, 2023

As Earth continues to heat up, brands, retailers and consumers alike are looking for innovate cooling technologies for textiles and apparel, and there are a number of them already on the market. As we note in this article, however, this is very much a “buyer beware” market, as not all cooling fabrics appear to operate as promised. Read on to learn more.

Ferris State University Graphics Program Gets a Boost

Published August 14, 2023

The Ferris State University Graphics Program just received a huge donation that has allowed them to set up substantial endowments for both scholarships and student recruitment. In this interview, Patrick Klarecki, Professor and Program Champion, talks about the history of the program, its current state, how they came to benefit from this donation, and what it means for the future of the program.

Don’t You Hate Mosquitos? Help is On the Way!

Published August 14, 2023

Mosquitos are the biggest killer on the planet, killing more than 725,000 people per year. That’s more than humans, snakes, dogs, and other creatures. But help is on the way. Researchers at North Carolina State University have done groundbreaking research on insect-proof textiles. Learn more!

From T-Shirts to Airplanes: SPESA’s President Michael McDonald Highlights the Sewn Products Industry’s Advances and Challenges

Published August 9, 2023

SPESA, the Sewn Products Equipment and Suppliers of the Americas, is an industry association that represents suppliers to the industry, and plays a key role in the ability to streamline supply chains, bring textiles work back to the Americas, find more ways to automate the sewing process, and attract new talent. Cary Sherburne talks with SPEA president Michael McDonald. 

SPESA Speaks: Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Sewn Products Industry

Published August 9, 2023

Michael McDonald, President of SPESA, chats with Senior Editor Cary Sherburne about the challenges and opportunities facing the sewn products industry, the importance of changing mindsets for brands and consumers and the progress the industry needs to make in automation.

Beating the Odds: Print Franchise Operations Show Double-Digit Growth in 2022

Published August 7, 2023

Cary Sherburne takes WhatTheyThink’s annual look at the state of the print franchises. 2022 was truly a recovery year after a very difficult business environment during the pandemic. Nowhere was this more evident than in the franchise networks serving the printing industry.

Minuteman Press International Sees 21% Growth in 2022

Published August 7, 2023

In this interview, Minuteman President Nick Titus provides an overview of the network's performance in 2022, including achievement of the largest systemwide gross sales the network has ever seen at more than $536 million, 125+ centers with revenues over $1 million, and 24 net new centers over the past two years. The company is also focused on employee acquisition and retention, including cross-training and ensuring a career path for center employees and owners.

Franchise Services Delivers 20% Year-over-Year Growth in 2022

Published August 7, 2023

Rich Lowe, Chief Operating Officer at Franchise Services, is very bullish on the future of their business and offers great insight on the future of franchises in the industry as well as some of the things the company is doing to grow its talent base. This informative interview has something for everyone.

Alliance Franchise Brands Recoups Pandemic Losses in Both Print and Sign Businesses

Published August 7, 2023

Alliance Franchise Brands delivered 18% year-over-year revenue growth in print and 10% in signs in 2022, exceeding 2019 levels. Its new COO Ray Palmer notes that the sign business had already reached that level in 2021. The company also has effective recruitment programs in place, both for employees and new franchisees, with leadership training programs in place both to establish career paths for high-talent employees and to ensure new franchisees get off to a good start. Palmer explains these strategies in this interview with Sr. Editor Cary Sherburne.

AlphaGraphics Delivers its Best Year Ever in 2022

Published August 7, 2023

Not only did AlphaGraphics have a record year in 2022 revenue-wise, but the company also say 23% year-over-year growth, added 12 new centers and 17 new owners, and had an average store performance of $1.3 million. In this interview, CEO Ryan Farris also describes some of the programs in place to help alleviate the recruiting issues in a tight labor market.

Fortusis Makes Progress in 2022, Looking Ahead to Growth in 2023

Published August 7, 2023

While Fortusis ended up with two less centers in 2022, revenues overall were up by 11%. The company is investing in infrastructure, with all of its centers now using a new ecommerce enabled website and making good progress on developing content for its learning management system. Also high on the agenda is recruiting new owners who are interested in opening new centers.

Getting to Carbon ZERO

Published July 24, 2023

A recent Axios newsletter was headlined “No safe port in a climate storm.” In this article, Senior Editor Cary Sherburne looks at some of the recent extreme events attributed to climate change, as well as greenwashing, greenwishing, and greenhushing, more buzzwords for your vocabulary. She highlights some of the projects that are underway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on the way to getting to Carbon ZERO…a state we are not likely to reach for some time, but progress, however slow, is being made.

SubMFG/SaviCustoms Delivers On-Demand Cut-and-Sew Projects

Published July 24, 2023

SaviCustoms has been in business for 20 years, with work previously produced in India. As General Manager Jeremy DeBoer explains, the work was re-shored to San Diego a few years ago. He also started SubMFG as demand grew for on-demand work, and now on-demand comprises almost 50% of the company's work. His story is inspiring, from the perspective of re-shoring, automation, on-demand, and of course, the challenge of hiring talent.

Accurate Printing of Color-Critical Materials Essential to Printing Success

Published July 10, 2023

Since the early days of digital color printing, color management has been a struggle for many. And some struggle even in the analog world. Although the presses have improved, including significant color management automation, it can still be difficult to get everything right, especially when it is necessary to exactly match color across multiple press types—analog and digital—as well as to ensure good color representation in digital files often used during the proofing cycle. We spoke with Meredith Nichols, a certified color management and workflow automation consultant, and a member of the Color Management Group, about how she works with clients and why certifications are important.

When Automation Revolutionizes Your Business

Published June 26, 2023

The significant investments Documation has made in workflow and finishing equipment has completely revolutionized its business. Jeremy Stanek, Documation’s Vice President of Operations, explains.

Kevin Cushing Takes His Franchise Expertise to a New Level

Published June 19, 2023

Kevin Cushing has a rich heritage in the franchise business, both as a franchisee and a franchisor executive in both the restaurant and printing businesses. During his tenure at Alliance Franchise Brands, he engaged the organization with Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a unique franchise organization, and now, with Breakthroughs LLC, he is bringing his operational expertise to clients in a variety of industries, including print, as an EOS franchisee. In this interview, Kevin explains EOS, how it works and why it is important to the printing and other industries who are looking to be successful in a dynamic future.

ITMA 2023: The Highlights

Published June 12, 2023

ITMA, the International Textile Machinery Association, opened the doors for its quadrennial show in Milan, running from June 8 to 14. Owned by CEMATEX and organized by ITMA, this edition is focused on “Transforming the World of Textiles.” For those of you in the printing industry who may not be familiar with ITMA, it’s the drupa of the textiles industry. In this article, we present some of the show highlights as of this writing. Stay tuned for more!

Solutum Offers a New Approach to Reducing Plastic Waste

Published June 8, 2023

Solutum is a Cleantech company on a mission to reduce plastic pollution by providing sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic. The company has created a revolutionary compound that can be engineered to create a range of flexible packaging with versatile end-of-life options. Cary Sherburne talks to Sharon Barak, the company’s Founder and CTO, to learn more about this innovative approach to solving the plastics problem.

Kyocera FOREARTH Digital Textile Printer Debuts at ITMA

Published June 8, 2023

Kyocera printheads are popular components in many digital textile printing systems. Now, Kyocera has applied that knowledge and expertise to its first digital textile printer, FOREARTH, making its first public appearance at ITMA in Milan. In this interview, Sho Taniguchi, Kyocera’s Deputy General Manager, IDP Business DevelopmentDivision, explains the strategy behind development of this system and why they believe it is beneficial to the textiles market.

Kyocera FOREARTH: New Printing System to Be Introduced at ITMA

Published June 7, 2023

Kyocera printheads are a popular component of many digital textile printing systems. Now, the company has introduced its own digital textile printer. FOREARTH, which will be on display at ITMA, is the company's first digital textile printing system, a direct-to-fabric printer with inline application of pre- and post-treatments that enable printing on virtually any fabric. Minimal water usage and reduced fabric waste are part of Kyocera's approach to improving sustainability for the textiles industry.

Is There a Robot in Your Future?

Published June 7, 2023

Levi’s turns 170 this year, but it’s not letting its age get in the way of its innovation. The company reports that it has allocated 25,000 hours to a team of in-house robots over the past year. These robots, though, are not replacing employees. Rather, they are making work more efficient and enjoyable by freeing employees from performing a number of often repetitive and tedious tasks, and making more time for them to focus on more strategic activities. And Levi’s isn’t alone in harnessing the power of robots to make work more efficient. Here’s a quick pre-ITMA view of robotics in textiles, with more to certainly come from the world’s largest textile industry trade show, this week in Milan.

From Display Graphics to Graphic Tees: Already Print Soft Signage? Why Not Add Garment Printing?

Published June 5, 2023

As commercial printers, in-plants, and sign and display graphics printers look for ways to expand their businesses and offer new products and services to their customers, expansion into the textiles industry looks like an interesting opportunity. Cary Sherburne explains how.

Museum of Printing: An Industry Gem

Published May 22, 2023

Did you know that one of the world’s most expansive museums of printing is located in Haverhill, Mass.? If you don’t know about this industry gem, we hope this brief overview will spark your interest in visiting the museum, and even more importantly, donating to ensure its longevity! I was fascinated during my recent visit, and truly, we only scratched the surface of what the museum has to offer.

Museum of Printing: An Industry Gem

Published May 22, 2023

Cary Sherburne recently visited the Museum of Printing in Haverhill, Mass., and sat down for an interview with Frank Romano about the museum's origin, its extensive collection, and popular museum events.

The Graphene Council Speaks Out on the Current State of the Commercial Graphene Market

Published May 15, 2023

The Graphene Council recently hosted a webinar on the current state of the graphene market. Senior editor Cary Sherburne provides some highlights.

EFI Ignite: A Visit to EFI’s Londonderry N.H. Center of Excellence

Published May 8, 2023

As part of the media, Adam Dewitz, Richard Romano, and I were pleased to be invited to a recent EFI Ignite customer event. It gave us an opportunity to visit the (relatively) new EFI facility in Londonderry, which includes an expansive Customer Experience Center, manufacturing, and administrative/support services, and see the latest display graphics offerings from the company.

The Dealer Conundrum: Why It Can Be Difficult to Bring Direct-to-Garment Solutions to Market—An Interview with Frank Mallozzi, President/CEO of the Center Reach Group

Published May 1, 2023

Many of our members will remember Frank Mallozzi for his more than 25 years of senior leadership roles at EFI. As he moves onto the next chapter in his professional life, he has taken on an important role as President and CEO of the Center Reach Group, which is a consultancy focused on helping companies design and develop go-to-market growth strategies, execute on strategic plans and optimize marketing efficiencies while increasing sales productivity. We recently spoke with Frank to get more insight into his current role, and also to discuss some of the barriers he is seeing to a more accelerated adoption of direct-to-garment printing in the North American market.

Looking Ahead to FESPA 2023

Published April 17, 2023

Cary Sherburne previews the upcoming FESPA Global Print Expo and European Sign Expo 2023 , scheduled for May 23 to 26 in Munich.

Up In Smoke: Another Take on Carbon Capture

Published April 12, 2023

Carbon capture and storage: a solution to the climate crisis or an elaborate smokescreen to preserve the status quo? Senior editor Cary Sherburne takes a close look at the current state of CCS.

Katsuhiro “Jerry” Matsufuji Shares Canon U.S.A., Inc. Updates

Published April 11, 2023

imagePRESS V-Series represents next-generation innovation based on ground-up development efforts, and PRISMA solution developments include strategically migrating components to the cloud. Cary Sherburne talks to Katsuhiro “Jerry” Matsufuji, Canon U.S.A., Inc. vice president and general manager, marketing BICG.

Tharstern and eProductivity Software Discuss Their Recent Joining of Forces

Published March 31, 2023

In this discussion, Nick Benkovich of eProductivity Software (ePS) and Keith McMurtrie of Tharstern discuss the advantages to both companies and their customers. The plan is to maintain Tharstern as a brand and to be able to augment its capabilities with the many tools offered by ePS. Hope you enjoy this fascinating discussion!

The Wild West of Graphene: What’s Real and What’s Not

Published March 27, 2023

Graphene was discovered in 2004, has been described as a miracle material, and its discoverers were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 as a completely new material. We’ve written about graphene before, and usually there’s a graphene item in our weekly Friday Around the Web feature. But for more depth, this article reviews a recent study on products claiming graphene content and also encourages materials suppliers and manufacturers to do their due diligence and to seek certification that their materials and/or products actually include graphene. Spoiler alert: 80% of the products tested had no graphene content!

Josh Roffman Shares the Loftware Story and Its Current Role in Managing Label Workflow

Published March 21, 2023

Loftware was founded 35 years ago in the founder's Maine loft, thus the name. Over the years, it has evolved into a cloud-based service for brands and label producers, managing all associated data, ensuring compliance with brand and regulatory guidelines, and producing print-ready artwork for its customers. SVP Marketing and Product Management Josh Roffman shares the story.

Texintel's Debbie McKeegan Weighs in on Textiles' Digital Future

Published March 16, 2023

Earlier this month, in Debbie McKeegan's post, she noted that growth in digitally printed textiles is expected at 14.4% CAGR through 2030. Yet it will still represent only about 5% of global production of printed textiles. In this discussion with Senior Editor Cary Sherburne, she explains how younger designers and consumers have the ability to accelerate this growth even more and why it is important for the industry and the planet.

Aptean ERP for Apparel Manufacturing Delivers Key Insights in 2023 Report

Published March 13, 2023

The fashion industry is in need of radical transformation in order to reduce its deleterious effect on the environment, including excessive wastewater, carbon emissions, impact on landfills, and more. In this article, we review a recent study produced by Aptean, which approaches the problem from the perspective of the value of an effective, purpose-built ERP, but we also note that the industry must go beyond that with a holistic view of the entire life cycle of its products in order to have any hope at all of meeting aggressive 2030, and even 2050, sustainability goals.

DocketManager Aims to Help Customers Spend Time on Profitability: An Interview with Jay Farr

Published March 6, 2023

You may remember Jay Farr who founded ePACE in 1985, a mid-range print MIS solution and the first browser-based MIS, that was ultimately acquired by EFI in 2008 (now eProductivity Software). Following his commitments to EFI pursuant to the terms of the acquisition, Jay continued to be a presence in the Print MIS business, and in 2016, became an investor and the VP of Business Development for DocketManager. We recently spoke with Jay to learn more about this unique MIS solution.

Fungus Among Us?

Published February 27, 2023

How much fungi do you expect to see in your future? There is a tremendous amount of research and development ongoing to develop various forms of fungi—including mushrooms and their “roots,” mycelium—into replacements for everything from meat to leather and more. Read on!

Turkey, Textiles, and the Horrific Earthquake

Published February 20, 2023

The earthquake in Turkey was a truly devastating event. The death toll is nearing 50,000, a toll that is expected to grow significant over the coming days and weeks, making it the worst disaster in the country’s modern history. The only good news is that, miraculously, rescue teams are still pulling survivors from the rubble, including three that were rescued 11 days after the event, which occurred on February 6. The Istanbul Fashion Connection was scheduled for February 8 to 11 in Istanbul. Hanna Abdulla, News Editor for Just Style, was in the country for the event. We share a few of her insights about how the industry is working to help during this crisis and some background on the textiles industry in Turkey.

Can the Fashion Industry Accelerate Climate Action Fast Enough?

Published February 13, 2023

As fashion week hits New York’s runways it's a good time to review the state of the industry and its progress...or not...toward a more sustainable future. Here we provide high level results from a research report produced by The Climate Board in partnership with Textile Exchange: “Friction Points in Fashion and Textiles: Removing Barriers and Accelerating Climate Action.”

COP Out: COP27 Left More Questions Than Answers

Published February 9, 2023

Senior Editor Cary Sherburne reports on the results—such as they were—from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s most recent conference, COP27, held in November in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

Textiles Expert Kerry King Discussed Developments and the Future of Sustainable Textiles

Published February 9, 2023

Spoonflower, and its parent company, Shutterfly, originated as digital printing operations, and both have made significant technological advantages, Kerry King, Senior Director, Process Innovation for Textiles & Wallpaper, Spoonflower/Shutterfly, shares her thoughts on the changes and advances we have seen in 2022 in textiles and home decor, and what we might expect to see in 2023 and beyond.

Heidelberg Headed to the Cloud

Published February 9, 2023

As a hardware provider to the printing industry, Heidelberg also has a robust software offering. In this interview, John O'Donnell, Vice President of Product Management for Prinect and Print Analytics, Heidelberg, explains the company's software strategy moving forward, including migration to the cloud, increased modularity, and growing the number of third-party software integrations.

Taking the Lead: Textiles Thought Leaders Are Lighting the Way to a More Sustainable Industry

Published February 8, 2023

The textiles and apparel industry overall has seemingly made little progress toward stated sustainability goals, but there are bright spots that light the way to a more sustainable future for the industry. In researching this article, we spoke with three thought leaders in the industry who we hope will act as an inspiration to others, accelerating the industry transformation that must ultimately occur, including Adobe, Raspberry Creek Fabrics and Spoonflower.

eProductivity Software Leverages Increased Flexibility with New Ownership

Published February 7, 2023

eProductivity Software, the result of EFI spinning out its software business, is arguably one of the longest standing print software companies in the industry, with its roots dating back to 1989 when Marc Olin founded ProGraph. Now as an independent software vendor, eProductivity Software is looking at ways to make its solutions more open and modular, and to partner with others that may have been challenging to partner with in the past. In this interview, Nick Benkovich, Vice President of Portfolio Product Management, eProductivity Software, explains where the company is headed and the industry trends it is working to capitalize on.

Aleyant Leverages New Ownership to Spur Further Growth

Published February 6, 2023

In this interview, Aleyant founder and CEO Greg Salzman talks about trends in the world of print software and explains how Aleyant, founded as a cloud-based software company, is continuing to address those trends with a modular, cloud-based approach.

Stop Buying Sticky Notes: Print Software Providers Are Developing Software to Evolve with Your Company

Published February 6, 2023

Senior Editor Cary Sherburne looks at how print software solution providers are responding to the evolving needs of customers.

Nearshoring, Reshoring, Onshoring and New Shoring: The Face of Made in America Is Changing

Published January 30, 2023

The U.S., for several years, has been trying to bring back manufacturing across the board, including textiles and apparel. The pandemic and the resulting supply chain crisis spurred more action toward this goal. But simply bringing back manufacturing and doing the same old things, only here in America, I don’t believe plays into the American ingenuity theme. That’s where new shoring comes in. Yes, bring back manufacturing. But do it in a way that is innovative, automated, sustainable, and yet competitive. For more details about new shoring, there is an excellent article available on “The Sourcing Journal” (subscription may be required). 

GenZ and Millennial Representatives Weigh In on Sustainability, Workplace, and More

Published January 24, 2023

Andrea Bautil is a Millennial, a practicing architect currently working in the Dominican Republic, while Emma Vessels, GenZ, is finishing her degree at Kent State University in Fashion Merchandising. In this wide-ranging discussion, we hear directly from outstanding members of these two demographic cohorts on their thoughts about fashion and home decor, sustainability, and the impact their generations can have on the future of our planet.

Regenerative Fashion: An Exit Strategy for Fashion’s Troubled Relationship with the Planet?

Published January 23, 2023

There is no denying the negative impact the multi-trillion-dollar global fashion industry has had—and continues to have—on the planet. Some fashion brands are making honest and open efforts to reduce their carbon footprints; some are greenwashing; and some are simply doing nothing. Until consumers take a stand and drive Fast Fashion out of their wardrobes, not much is likely to change. But there is hope on the horizon, according to Paul Foulkes-Arellano of Circuthon Consulting. In this article, learn about Regenerative Fashion, benefit from Foulkes-Arellano’s deep insight, and think about how you can change your buying habits to help reduce fashion’s impact on the planet.

A Deep Dive into Climate Action—or Inaction

Published January 16, 2023

The venture-funded Climate Board, established in 2022, has amassed a wealth of materials on the topic of sustainability, including insights and research, and has conducted a variety of events. It was founded on the belief that knowledge-sharing is crucial to accelerating climate action. Its work attempts to bring solutions, supported by experience and evidence, to drive speed and progress. But there is a huge mountain to climb. A key finding of its research is that for many organizations, “Ambitious goals are more than twice as common as meaningful action.” This is not where we want to be. In this article, we explore some of the challenges and opportunities for mitigating climate change.

RRD Study Introduces Optichannel Marketing, Bullish Intent to Use More Print

Published January 16, 2023

Margo Yohner, SVP of Growth RRD Commercial and Digital Print, shares insights that RR Donnelley gained from its most recent survey with marketers and introduces a new term for us: Optichannel. She explains how this is different from omnichannel or multichannel and can be more effective. She also shares specific data from the report indicating marketers' intent to devote more of their budget in 2023 to print, including direct mail, brochures, signage, etc.

Future.Green's FutureCardVisa Promotes Green Shopping Habits

Published January 12, 2023

Gen Zer Eunice Jung is passionate about sustainability, and that passion really comes out in this interview, where she explains what is behind FutureCardVisa and how it can help consumers become more aware of their shopping habits, give more consideration to end-of-life for things they buy, and especially in fashion, using rental or resale to extend the life of garments with less ending up in the landfill.

FLOCUS Takes a Sustainable Approach to Fibers for Textiles and Other Uses

Published January 10, 2023

FLOCUS was founded by Sara Cicognani and Jeroen Muijsers to leverage the unique characteristics of Kapok as a fiber for multiple uses, ranging from stuffing for toys and other soft products to yarns and fabrics. Muijsers, a textile engineer, learned about Kapok about 10 years ago and recognized its role in delivering a more sustainable textile industry and its link to regenerative agriculture for a holistic approach that not only delivers sustainable fibers but also benefits farmers in subtropical countries. Learn more in this informative interview.

The Key to Z: Managing to a Generational Shift

Published January 9, 2023

Last summer, we asked our readers, “Are you ready for the Gen Z work force?” As we enter 2023 and the balance between open jobs and available employees still has not balanced out, it’s time to revisit this topic again. Remember that Gen Zers will make up 25% of the workforce by 2025, when they will range in age from 13 to 28. They are a rich source of potential employees—now and for years to come. We thought it would be good to review what they are looking for, how to hire and retain them, as we enter 2023 with an economy this is still a bit chaotic.

Regenerative Fashion: An Exit Strategy For Fashion’s Troubled Relationship with the Planet?

Published January 9, 2023

Paul Foulkes-Arellano of Circuthon Consulting is an expert in regenerative agriculture and regenerative fashion. In this interview, he shares his thoughts on the future of the textiles industry, and how regenerative fashion is an important element of making the industry more sustainable. And he discussed the link between agriculture and fashion as we move to a more circular economy.

Printful Adds Coloreel On-Demand Embroidery for Increased Design Flexibility

Published December 15, 2022

Printful, who has 10 factories worldwide producing on-demand garments, is beta testing Coloreel on-demand embroidery. In this interview, Elina Kruze from Printful explains why the company was excited about the ability to offer customers more design flexibility in embroidery. Coloreel CEO Torbjörn Bäck shares his thoughts on how Coloreel on-demand embroidery changes the market and delivers a more sustainable solution.

For Textiles and Apparel, Sustainability Is Key but Progress Is Slow

Published December 14, 2022

This was a year of recovery for textiles and apparel as supply chain issues began to settle a bit, and suppliers were back online after the pandemic. Consumers were also buying—both online and back in-stores, which is good news for brands. Senior Editor Cary Sherburne looks back at how the industry has slowly started to embrace sustainability and some of the initiatives to keep an eye on in 2023.

Polartec Innovation Delivers Waterproof Fabric with Breathability; Power Shield Membrane Is Also Plant-Based and Non-PFAS

Published December 12, 2022

Looking for an athletic garment that is both waterproof and breathable? With new developments from Polartec, that will become easier as its new Power Shield laminate is incorporated into garments expected to come to market in the fall of 2023. We spoke with Michael Cattanach, Polartec’s Global Product Director, to learn more.

Is a Capsule Wardrobe in Your Future?

Published December 5, 2022

For some time now, we’ve been asking, “What’s in your closet?” This is in the context of making your lifestyle more sustainable as the world struggles with a growing climate crisis. While governments, NGOs, corporations, and others are working to improve sustainability and reduce their carbon footprint, it really will take all of us to get this done. Learn how serious reconsideration of your wardrobe can be a contributing factor.

John Berthelsen Honored with Annual Recognition Award for Service to Furtherance of Education for the Graphic Arts

Published November 30, 2022

The Print & Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF) is recently announced the inauguration of an award honoring the unending service of John Berthelsen to the Education of Students interested in the Graphic Arts. The award, in his name, will be given out each year to a deserving individual or organization that exemplifies the ideals and practices of John over his many years of dedicated service to the industry and affiliated organizations. John was the first recipient. We had the opportunity to interview him and gain an understanding of the many contributions he has made over 50 years in the industry.

What is Carbon Capture and Why Is It Important?

Published November 28, 2022

There is a lot of discussion around companies and governments reducing their carbon footprints, aiming toward carbon neutrality by some date, and changes they plan to make to accomplish these sustainability goals as part of the effort to bring the climate crisis under control. But little is being said about a companion approach: carbon capture and repurposing. This article defines carbon capture and presents its current technological state.

Who Will Pay for Climate Change? Climate Pledges Fall Short and Developing Nations Call Out the Failures at COP27

Published November 14, 2022

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is in its 27th year, and achievements have fallen far short of expectations. COP27, which is underway as of this writing, has for the first time seriously put the issue of loss and damage on the agenda, with the hope that there will actually be some sort of resolution before the end of the conference, and that developed countries will actually follow through on their promises.

Is There a Future for Sustainable Ecommerce Packaging?

Published November 7, 2022

Companies like Amazon have been adding more environmentally friendly packaging strategies, although a lot of plastic is still used. And Neenah has introduced the Neenah Environment Mailer, which is curbside recyclable. Senior editor Cary Sherburne looks at the current landscape of sustainable packaging for mailers.

Neenah Introduces Curbside Recyclable Mailer for the eCommerce Market

Published November 1, 2022

Don't you hate getting all that plastic packaging when you order online, and then trying to figure out if it can be recycled, and if so how, or maybe it just gets thrown away? Neenah has an answer with its new Environment Mailer. Clearly printed on the mailer is the fact that it is 100% curbside recyclable and a patent pending coating repels water and adds strength. Ideal for all kinds of soft goods. Kristen Duncan and Jennifer Dietz of Neenah share the full story, including future plans to expand the product line and options even further.

Microban International Partners with Cosmo for Fresh Feet

Published October 31, 2022

Do you ever wonder why some people get bitten by mosquitoes more than others? A recent CNN story says mosquitoes like the smell of cheese and feet. Now Microban and Cosmo may have an answer…at least for the feet part. Their partnership is another example of applying technology to add value to textiles and apparel.

Are Shoes the Next Frontier in Sustainability for Textiles and Apparel?

Published October 24, 2022

We’ve been writing about sustainability issues in textiles and apparel and some of the advances that are being made, as well as the barriers—addition to Fast Fashion being one of the latter. But we haven’t really addressed a big segment of the market: shoes. In this article, we delve into some of the advances that will make shoes more sustainable, and also caution our readers not to become over-consumers—of shoes or anything else!