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Articles by Pat McGrew

Pat is a well-known evangelist for inkjet productivity. At McGrew Group, she uses her decades technical and marketing experience to lead the industry toward optimized business processes and production workflows. She has helped companies to define their five-year plans, audited workflow processes, and developed sales team interventions and education programs. Pat is the Co-Author of 8 industry books, editor of A Guide to the Electronic Document Body of Knowledge, and a regular contributor to Inkjet Insight and WhatTheyThink.com.

Displaying 1-100 of 181 articles

Collaborating for Visibility!

Published October 15, 2024

Whether you are a printer who does industry shows in the segments you serve or a vendor selling into the community printers at a local, regional, or global event, how you come to the show and the samples you share tell a story. Why not make it bigger and better by collaborating with your clients and partners?

Every Business Can Use a Magazine!

Published October 1, 2024

Consider your options for staying in touch with your customers and attracting new ones. If your first thought is a digital marketing campaign, stop! While digital channels are a common tool, they put you into a very big pond with a lot of other bait. Think outside of bits and bytes—consider print. Specially, consider a print magazine! Here’s why!

Is GIGO Killing Your Analytics?

Published September 17, 2024

As we enter the last quarter of the year, you may be crunching numbers and planning strategies based on what you see. You may have a set of trusty spreadsheets that you update or rely on your ERP, MIS, and back-office programs to build reports to analyze. What happens if the data you rely on is wrong?

PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Empower Your Wide Format Print Production with PrintFactory

Published September 9, 2024

Customer requirements for color accuracy, print quality, and turnaround times in wide-format printing are becoming more demanding. PrintFactory empowers wide-format printing workflows with its renowned support for thousands of devices and easy-to-implement color management capabilities. It continues to expand its ecosystem to include desktop and cloud-based software. Pat McGrew takes a close look.

Is Your File Really Ready to Print?

Published September 3, 2024

Every printer has stories about the files they receive for production that are labeled as print ready but as they are onboarded it becomes clear that there are issues that will impact production. It is a gap that emerges because of the variety of composition and design tools in use, as well as the different print production methods in use. Let’s look at the differences between print ready and production ready files.

TECHNOLOGY OUTLOOK: DISPLAY GRAPHICS—Mimaki Partners with Artists for Dynamic drupa Stand

Published August 28, 2024

Pat McGrew reported from Mimaki’s drupa stand that combined décor art, wearable art, and 3D art.

TECHNOLOGY OUTLOOK: BINDING & FINISHING—The Practical Guide to Mail Finishing Equipment Solutions

Published August 26, 2024

Pat McGrew offers some tips for evaluating mail finishing equipment.

TECHNOLOGY OUTLOOK: SUSTAINABILITY—Preparing for Sustainability Regulations: Evolving from Net Zero to Sustainability Management Systems

Published August 26, 2024

Pat McGrew and palamides marketing director Jonathan Graham discuss the pros and cons of “net zero,” the challenges of accurately gathering and reporting greenhouse gas emissions data, and the advantages of sustainability management systems.

TECHNOLOGY OUTLOOK: SOFTWARE & WORKFLOW—The Practical Case for Intelligent Automation

Published August 22, 2024

Pat McGrew provides an overview of how Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are only two aspects of building workflow automation that brings efficiency to print operations. Integrating diverse threads is an essential element in building an automated print shop.

TECHNOLOGY OUTLOOK: BINDING & FINISHING—Your Practical Guide to Researching Book Finishing

Published August 21, 2024

Pat McGrew looks at the factors to consider when shopping for book finishing equipment.

TECHNOLOGY OUTLOOK: SOFTWARE & WORKFLOW—The Practical Guide to AI and Platforms

Published August 20, 2024

Pat McGrew provides an overview of how intelligent automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are implemented in industry software solutions. 


Published August 20, 2024

Pat McGrew looks at Horizon’s “smart factory” approach to finishing automation.

That’s Amore! Print4All 2024 Gathered the Italian Print Industry

Published August 15, 2024

Bringing together printers and the vendors who serve them is one of the missions of every print association. Most recently, the Italian print industry came together at Print4All in the rolling hills of Valpolicella. The topics were relevant and the conversations insightful!

Climbing S2 and Other EskoWorld Adventures

Published August 6, 2024

The value of meeting in person to share ideas, learn, and even complain cannot be overstated. While it is hard to take time away from the day's work, events like drupa remind us of the value of discovery. After the doors in Germany closed, the doors to EskoWorld opened to continue the adventure.

OOPS! Your Vendor Isn’t Ready to Deliver to You! Now What?

Published July 23, 2024

For every product in our industry, hardware and software, there is a development cycle. Product managers use one of the standard methods to guide the development, testing, and release of new products and product updates, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. That can impact an anticipated machine installation, firmware upgrade, or software update. How hard should you push?

Do You Have a Disaster Response Team?

Published July 9, 2024

Stuff happens! Weather, a truck crashing into a critical power line, earthquakes, fires, and a panoply of other things can disrupt your ability to get your products to your customers. Having a disaster recovery plan that includes identification of a well-rehearsed response teams to handle adverse events effectively can speed recovery!

Horizon Bets on the Smart Factory

Published June 25, 2024

Horizon embraces the smart factory concept to leverage technologies that streamline operations, enhance productivity, and deliver customer value. It was all on exhibition in their drupa stand in Hall 6 and partner stands across the messe. Pat McGrew takes a closer look.

Fiery Brings Superpowers to Industrial Print

Published June 25, 2024

Fiery is one of the best-known names in Digital Front Ends and Raster Image Processing for print hardware sellers in many segments. If you are a digital printer, the chances are good that you have equipment powered by Fiery in your print shop. Pat McGrew spoke to Fiery CEO Toby Weiss at drupa 24.

Mimaki Partners with Artists for Dynamic drupa Stand

Published June 25, 2024

Danna Drion, General Manager Marketing & PM EMEA at Mimaki Europe B.V. went to users of the Mimaki solutions to find exhilarating examples of how artists use the versatility of Mimaki solutions to create décor art, wearable art, and 3D art. The results were on display at drupa 245.

Scodix Brought More than Hardware: Meet Their AI

Published June 24, 2024

At drupa 24, Scodix was demonstrating its new AI-based design tool developed that makes it easy to embellish any PDF file. Pat McGrew takes a look.

The Fastest Path to Press

Published June 19, 2024

At drupa 24, two much-cited critical challenges faced by print service providers (PSPs) were cost pressures and workforce challenges. Pat McGrew looks at how some vendors are helping printers conquer these challenges.

HP, Horizon and Atomyx Make a Magazine

Published June 18, 2024

At drupa 24, the Atomyx, HP, and Horizon teams collaborated to produce a print sample that showed the power of partner collaboration and provided thought leadership. Pat McGrew documents how the project came together.

Make Your New Hires Productive!

Published June 11, 2024

Hiring new people is exciting and agitating at the same time. Hire experienced people and you may need to retrain them away from how they have done things in the past. Hire inexperienced people and  you need a plan to get them up-to-speed on processes and procedures. It takes a plan!

Building the Best Print Production Workflow: Leveraging Finishing Capabilities for Optimal Results

Published June 5, 2024

Finishing is the final gate for every print project. Successful, efficient finishing relies on the design, prepress, and print processes to ensure that the rolls or sheets can be finished as called for in the specifications. To optimize finishing, begin the design process with a clear view of the intended finishing. Cut marks, crease and fold locations, sheet binding, and every other finishing process will be smoother and more efficient!

The Pioneering Journey of Hudson Printing into Digital Embellishment

Published June 4, 2024

Paul Hudson believes in reinvention, and he believes in print. With the addition of new embellishment capabilities to augment his offset and digital print production solutions, he is leading Hudson Printing in Salt Lake City into a new era. Static and variable embellishment on a significant range of substrates allows them to produce spectacular magazine covers, postcards, and other commercial work for their growing clientele.

Why Should I Work for YOU?

Published May 27, 2024

The print industry is facing labor challenges at every level. The complaint is that no one is applying for open jobs, and when candidates do apply and get accepted, they don’t stay. It’s easy to point fingers at the upcoming generations and say that they don’t want to work, but is that really what’s happening?

3 Signs Your Print Workflow Software Is Sabotaging Your Business

Published May 14, 2024

Oops! You might have bought the wrong software. Or, you may have outgrown the software you are using. The right software should integrate seamlessly, provide the needed features, and include ongoing vendor support. By being proactive, you can ensure your print software empowers your business, not hinders it.

Navigating the Print Industry Community: User Groups vs. Customer Advisory Councils

Published April 30, 2024

There are many ways to learn about the latest changes in the print and e-communication industry. Industry associations and the events they host are a good start. The next most valuable sources are the user groups and vendor customer councils. They let you dial into the specific information that will help you grow your business.

You Should Join a Printing Industry Association

Published April 16, 2024

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. Print industry associations are like that. Once you become involved, you find a vast group of people to talk and trade ideas with. You enter a hive where you are not alone facing challenges. If you haven’t considered joining, or you looking for more groups for networking, this is the year to jump in!

Selling Print Where You Live!

Published April 9, 2024

Governmental and institutional buyers—including print buyers—are often required to source products and services locally. They buy a lot of print, but it can be challenging for print providers to find a path to them. Pat McGrew explains how to get on the list of preferred suppliers. 

Moving Past SWOT Analysis for Deeper Insights

Published March 26, 2024

If a SWOT exercise is a regular part of your yearly strategy, and it doesn’t produce the results you expect, it may be time to change your approach. Try adding a dose of VUCA to your SWOT to build a holistic view of how your company, products, and services fit into the changing world.

Are You Ready For the Hackers and Phishers?

Published March 12, 2024

Today, it takes more than some commercial firewall tools and virus protection license to keep your business safe. If you haven’t done a comprehensive security review in the last six months, take the time to do it now. If you are held for ransom, there may not be a road back.

My Father’s World Expands Home Curriculum Production with Affordable Color

Published March 4, 2024

In this article, sponsored by Kyocera, Pat McGrew looks at content publishing in the educational market, and how it comes with challenges that are not faced in most other markets. The demand for high-quality print is the same, but the print runs can be very short, and the requirement for substrates ranges from light to heavy across production needs. Add the need for engaging color, and it is clear why more content publishers like My Father’s World are turning to the Kyocera TASKalfa Pro 15000.

3 Considerations When Buying Software

Published February 27, 2024

There is a cycle to software development that is intended to capture market or customer needs, develop solutions that meet those needs, and then launch into customer use. As more workflow automation tools and platform integration options come to market, consider having a different type of conversation with your vendors to understand the mindset behind the offering. The goal is to learn if their design and architecture are consistent with the needs of your shop.

More Privacy Laws Mean More Disclaimers!

Published February 13, 2024

No one goes into the print business, or the eDelivery business, to become a lawyer, but it almost takes a law degree to keep up with the growing body of legislation impacting the industry. Here is a quick look at new legislation from Illinois! Remember, always consult your legal counsel before making decisions!

State of the Cloud: Zero Trust Workflows in 2024

Published February 5, 2024

It’s time to abandon your Trust but Verify approach to security. The changing legislative and technology landscapes demand a new approach to securing your shop, whether you print, e-deliver, or produce output across multiple channels. Zero Trust is the modern approach to your cloud-enabled workflow architecture.

Three Projects to Start 2024

Published January 30, 2024

The life of a printer is a whirlwind of incoming jobs, production, and delivery. It’s hard to find time to look for new ways to conquer production demands. Here are three projects you can execute with your team to identify new options to set your business up. We know that 2024 will be a big print year. Get your share of the business!

Planning for Change, Succession Style

Published January 16, 2024

If you have watched the TV show Succession, or you have a vague understanding of it, you know that it is a tragedy. It is the story of a family trying to figure out how to move forward as the aging patriarch’s health fails and there is no clear path forward for the family business. If you own and operate a family business, even if you aren’t part of the family, succession planning should be reviewed every year. Things change. Here are some things to consider!

Has Your Best Promotion Failed You?

Published January 9, 2024

Have you ever seen a promotion that is so intriguing that you fall for it? We’re all professionals, so it is a bit harder to draw us into a campaign and convince us to participate. But it does happen. We go along with the story and often we are enriched for it. And we get ideas that we can apply. Websites are built and supported with QR codes and triggers. But what happens to those digital assets after the campaign? Let’s talk.

2024 Is Going to Be A Big Print Year!

Published November 14, 2023

Follow the bouncing ball in the print industry as we head into 2024. It’s going to be a big year! There is on-going demand for print across most segments, with personalization expanding into every nook and cranny. There are faster machines, new technologies, and solutions for every business footprint. And there will be shows. Lots of shows. Including the big one—drupa 2024.

Print Marketing: The Power of Open Houses!

Published November 7, 2023

There are a many elements to print marketing. Well-designed websites that are tagged appropriately for search engines and more than a laundry list of equipment can be very effective. Well-placed signage and outbound marketing campaigns are also excellent for visibility. In the pantheon of options, there is one more thing to consider. An open house! Here’s why!

You Can’t Automate What You Don’t Know

Published October 31, 2023

Think about how you prepare for certification tests or giving a presentation. Most people spend time arranging their thoughts and thinking about their approach. The preparation helps to identify gaps in knowledge and set expectations. Updating or adding automation to production processes in your shop requires that same thoughtfulness. Here is how to get ready before you launch your next automation project.

Where Do We Find the Next Generation Print People?

Published October 23, 2023

When it comes time to find new talent for your business, where do you go? The local temp staffing agency? Local schools? The national recruiting sites? You may find that pitching a job in print doesn’t bring the responses you would hope. Let’s change that!

Adopting Vendor-Neutral Workflows: No Hassle Job Management and the Cloud

Published October 23, 2023

Cloud-based solutions can provide a tremendous benefit for in-plant and print-for-pay printers, especially small to medium-sized operations. In this article, sponsored by Ricoh, Pat McGrew explains how offering automated, vendor-neutral, rules-based workflow technology that provides simple, easy-to-use tools in a SaaS environment removes the requirement of a heavy infrastructure and IT expertise. The key to overall workflow profitability all starts with job onboarding.

It’s Fun to Play with the T-C-O-P!

Published October 19, 2023

It takes a Village (People). Pat McGrew looks at how understanding the way that different maintenance strategies affect your Total Cost of Operations and your Total Cost of Print involves ensuring you are capturing the correct data in a normalized way.

Who Are You Hiring?

Published October 10, 2023

Every print shop is in the hunt for new team members. They are harder to come by these days as schools pivoted to teaching more courses focused on online delivery and fewer covering color management, prepress skills, and print operations. It begs the question, where should you be looking? Who should you partner with to find a flow of talent? Here are some ideas!

eProductivity Software’s MarketDirect Platform: A Complete Solution for Print Businesses

Published October 10, 2023

The team at eProductivity Software has been adding features and functions to their entire range of workflow and marketing management solutions. Their MarketDirect platform is a comprehensive solution that helps print businesses sell more online, improve customer engagement, and streamline operations for printers in every segment. And it's a perfect fit for shops of every size.

Tool Time Versus Club Med

Published September 25, 2023

Do you rely on maintenance contracts to keep your equipment running? Or are you more hands-on—or perhaps adopt some kind of hybrid approach? Contributor Pat McGrew looks at your options for equipment maintenance.

We All Live in a Maintenance World

Published September 20, 2023

There are many costs associated with running a print shop. There are machine costs, consumable costs, labor, building, and utility costs. Another cost that is sometimes buried in the numbers is the cost of maintaining the equipment. Pat McGrew explains how maintenance practices and schedules should be part of the company’s Standard Operating Procedures.

How to Work a Trade Show!

Published September 19, 2023

Sometimes it helps to have a refresher! Trade shows are wonderful opportunities to catch up with industry friends, learn about products, and get ideas. The challenge is making sure you bring back the information you were looking for! Everyone needs to put their best foot forward! Here are considerations for printers and vendors as the next set of shows gets underway!

10 Steps to Survive a Crisis

Published September 5, 2023

If your company declares a disaster, what happens next? Who do you call? Where do you begin the process of business continuity? Depending on the type of disaster, the answer will vary. There are physical disasters that can be localized to the building or disruptive to a region. There are cyber disasters. And there are other issues that can disrupt your business, including vendor bankruptcies and supply chain disruptions. Are you ready?

Building Your Crisis Recovery Playbook

Published August 22, 2023

Our industry has a lot of names for the process of cleaning up when something happens that disrupts the normal flow of business. Disaster recovery planning is a common term, along with business continuity planning, emergency response planning, and crisis recovery. We have learned that the need for a planned response evolves from events of every size. Are you ready?

Get More from Your Print Operations

Published August 15, 2023

By optimizing costs and resolving bottlenecks, the print industry can bring more efficiency to its business, resetting print economics and getting more from its print production. Let’s do it! Process automation increases productivity, helps to control bottom-line costs, and can add hidden capacity. In this article, sponsored by Baldwin Technologies, see how Baldwin solutions are based on decades of experience bringing insights to printing companies with data and automation. See how they can help you conquer today’s challenging print industry economics.

Social Profiles Are Forever

Published July 11, 2023

Estate planning, succession planning, and getting our affairs in order are part of life. If you run a business, the process of planning for the next generation or next owner is part of the process. In our personal lives, we tend to look at the big things to make sure assets are identified and that there is a plan for how they will be handled in the future. We’re talking about what happens when someone dies, whether it is anticipated or unexpected. Here are some things to add to your list.

Product Spotlight: Getting Product Personalization Right with LiveArt

Published June 28, 2023

Consumers are no longer satisfied with only buying mass-produced products. Online and brick-and-mortar print shops have offered B2B and B2C buyers the ability to customize printed products, but the process is sometimes complex and hard to understand. Pat McGrew looks at LiveArt’s web-to-print services which address the gap between off-the-shelf web-to-print solutions available in the market and the growing needs of printers requiring more custom-tailored solutions for their clients.

Product Spotlight: Getting Product Personalization Right with LiveArt

Published June 28, 2023

As part of our Product Spotlight series, Pat McGrew talks with Volodymyr Yatsevsky, CEO of LiveArt, about the Ukraine-based company’s origins and its full range of web-to-print products and Services.

Why Consider Professional Services for Your Mission Critical Projects?

Published June 27, 2023

The temptation is always there. How hard can it be to handle a new project, an assessment, a business plan, or strategy development on your own? Why pay a consultant or another organization to come in and do work that you know you and your team can do? Clearly it will be less expensive to handle the requirements between the production work, maintenance, and client care! Or, is it? Let’s investigate!

ICYMI: Zen and the Art of Software Maintenance

Published June 13, 2023

At its essence, software is a tool that is based in science, but has artistic manifestations. The style of coding, the elegance of programming expression, and the user interfaces that join the user to the software capabilities create a yin/yang relationship. Software does require care and feed, however. Here is some guidance on living with software, whether it was created in your shop, downloaded for free, or purchased from a vendor!

AI Is Here! Fire Everybody?

Published May 30, 2023

Welcome to the rise of the robots—or at least chatbots! Businesses in every segment are looking at how artificial intelligence can help them grow. The anecdotes are becoming part of the mainstream—eliminating staff positions and replacing them with chatbots is a common theme. That begs the question: what happens if you fire everybody and let the bots do the work? Let’s explore that.

Where Do You Get Your Print Industry Learning?

Published May 16, 2023

We hear from printing companies that they have trouble finding new staff that are already trained and ready-to-go. We hear from vendors that they have the same problem. It isn’t a new problem! It has been with us for decades, but the problem grew as we emerged from pandemic restrictions. Not only is it hard to hire experienced people, but it is hard to train people inside your four walls because many subject matter experts are either overwhelmed with their jobs or they are plotting their retirement. Let’s talk about paths to an educated workforce.

Three Easy Steps to Great Embellishment Projects!

Published May 2, 2023

Not every print project needs embellishment! Foil on my credit card statement seems over the top. But there are so many projects that deserve the pop and sizzle that is achievable with a bit of foil, some texture, a hologram, tinted or clear spot varnish, or float coats. But before you get excited, let’s do some planning.

Print Begins with Finishing

Published April 18, 2023

There is an old adage in the print industry that “print begins with finishing.” The story is that you can print just about any design, but if the design is not matched to the finishing, you will add time and effort to trying to bring them together. But take it a step deeper! Today’s finishing options are more diverse than ever before. Are you taking advantage?

Bronte’s Francesco Crotti on Book Production

Published March 29, 2023

Pat McGrew talks to Bronte’s Francesco Crotti about the recent changes and new developments in book production.

Ultimate TechnoGraphics’ Andrew Bailes-Collins on Smarter Workflows

Published March 29, 2023

Pat McGrew talks to Ultimate TechnoGraphics’ Andrew Bailes-Collins about the sea changes taking place in print production workflow—and making workflow smarter—and how Ultimate is responding to those changes.

Yale Goldis on HP’s Latest Hardware and Software Introductions

Published March 28, 2023

Pat McGrew talks to HP’s Yale Goldis about HP’s most recent hardware and software introductions and the market forces driving new features in those products.

Why You Need a Website Assessment: Every Page is Your Home Page

Published March 20, 2023

Websites are the company face to the world, but they often miss the scrutiny that our workflows get when it comes to efficiency and optimization. Start the year with a plan to assess your website to see if it still meets your needs and works for your visitors.  

Rob Boumans on the Rebirth of Crown Van Gelder

Published March 9, 2023

Pat McGrew talks with Rob Boumans of Crown Van Gelder at last week’s Hunkeler Innovationdays about the company’s recent business travails—and how the company is relaunching itself. He also shows off some samples of Crown Van Gelder’s new papers.

Hunkeler’s Daniel Erni: “We Are Hunkeler. We Are Going to Stay Hunkeler.”

Published March 8, 2023

Pat McGrew talks to Hunkeler CEO Daniel Erni about how he sees the trade show environment playing out over the next few years, and the future of Innovationdays.

Thinking About Websites: Every Page is Your Home Page

Published March 7, 2023

When was the last time you looked at your website? How easy was it to find information? Were the pages formatted consistently. Was the information current? In this missive the focus is on the value of regular reviews of your face to the world. Next time the focus is on how to approach a website assessment project.

Three Inkjet Workflow Pain Points and One Answer—Part 1: Labor as Friction, Automation As Lubricant

Published February 21, 2023

In this series we look at three of the top inkjet workflow pain points and paths to reducing the friction they cause with one technique that pays off. It starts with data but doesn’t end there. Data requires analysis and interpretation.

Who Manages Print Industry Standards?

Published January 31, 2023

We are starting the year with standards to embrace a year of optimization, automation, and growth. The focus this time is on the groups that help us manage the standards. These are the groups to watch because they are managing the processes that lead to changes in existing standards as well as new standards.

Three Reasons to Adopt Standards

Published January 17, 2023

This year, we are going to explore a wide range of trends, thought-provoking ideas, concerns, and the role of hardware, software, workflow, automation, and standards in how we communicate to clients, customers, and constituents. That is a mouthful. It’s ambitious. But it would be a fascinating ride. The starting point is the role of standards—something our industry tends to honor in words, but not deeds. =

Help Your Sales: Update Your Website

Published January 3, 2023

You know what they say about cobbler’s children? They never have good shoes because the shoes go to paying customers. We have the same challenge in the print industry. Even companies that offer website design as part of their services offering struggle to create a compelling website for their own services. Let’s talk about that!

Three Transition Trends for 2023

Published December 13, 2022

Did your business change over the last couple of years? What have you done to cope? Did you hire new people, add automation to workflows, buy a company, sell a pieces of business, or find new ways to navigate supply chain issues? If any of these items look familiar, you are on the same ride as most of your peers. Let’s find the learnings to get ready for 2023.

Pleasant Air “Made it Happen” in Recent AlphaGraphics Contest

Published November 30, 2022

Pat McGrew talks to David and Bryant Crawford from N.C. HVAC company Pleasant Air, one of the winners of AlphaGraphics’ “Make It Happen” contest. As a result of its efforts in giving back to the community, the long-time AlphaGraphics clients were awarded an AlphaGraphics business brand makeover.

Is the Company Being Paid for What They Print?

Published November 29, 2022

Once a sale is made the job is not done. Not only does the work have to be performed, but the customer must be invoiced, and the money collected. There are many steps on the journey to ensuring that what was sold is what gets billed, but let’s start at the beginning.

Looking Back to Sell Forward

Published November 8, 2022

Sales professionals know how to calculate sales margins vs. contribution margins. They are handy with calculating job pricing, and proficient in sales methodologies. At this time of year it’s worth taking a moment to look back to lay plans for next year!

Where No Sale Has Gone Before…

Published October 25, 2022

Salespeople aren’t mind readers. Whether they are in-house or working remotely, they won’t magically know when new equipment is on the shop floor, or when incumbent technology exits. Let’s talk about how to ensure that everyone is current on what you can product so that everyone is working to fill the machines with the highest margin work.

Print Software Product Spotlight: Web-to-Print Solutions that Adapt to Your Needs with Customer’s Canvas

Published October 13, 2022

Sometimes the hardest part of taking advantage of the available marketplace is having tools that work they way you need them to. One size does not fit every situation. That is where Customer’s Canvas comes in. The team at Aurigma work with their clients to craft the web-to-print solution that will work most efficiently for their business.

How AlphaGraphics Makes It Happen!

Published October 11, 2022

What happens when an international franchise network makes it their mission to give back to the thousands of communities they serve? In this article, sponsored by AlphaGraphics, Pat McGrew takes a close look at AlphaGraphics’ “Make It Happen” campaign, a contest in which three deserving businesses won new branding, graphics, signage, décor, and marketing programs.

What’s Your Sales Backstory?

Published October 11, 2022

What’s the story you tell customers about your business? Do you have a narrative that everyone in the company uses or is everyone inventing their own? Here are the reasons to have a company backstory and for salespeople to have their backstories.

What Print Sales Job are You Looking For?

Published September 20, 2022

While hiring sales team members requires art and science, at the same time, candidates for sales positions also need a strategy to make sure a particular job is aligned with your abilities. Pat McGrew explains how job-seekers can ensure that they are the best fit for a given position and company.

Who Are You Hiring for Sales?

Published September 6, 2022

Hiring sales team members requires art and science. Pat McGrew talks about adopting a hiring strategy that is in sync with your sales goals.

Selling to Lapsed Customers

Published August 30, 2022

Do you have accounts who used to be profitable, high-volume customers but haven’t ordered from you in a while? Pat McGrew explains how to bring lapsed customers back into the fold.

Let’s Fire Some Customers!

Published August 16, 2022

Your sales plans should reflect what you sell, how you sell, and your target customer profile. A deep dive into your customer list is the only way to evaluate which customers help you produce a profit and which may cost you money. Pat McGrew explains how to sort the good customers from the bad—and how to fire those that may be costing you money. 

How’s Your Sales Plan Working? Buyers and Discounting

Published August 2, 2022

We are well into the second half of the calendar year, and to ensure a profitable end to your year, take a few minutes to look at what is in your pipeline, what has been onboarded, and what is in production. Is it what you expect? In part two of a two-part series, Pat McGrew takes a deep dive into the costs of doing business with customers and how you apply discounting strategies.

How’s Your Sales Plan Working? Calculating Profitability!

Published July 19, 2022

We are well into the second half of the calendar year, and to ensure a profitable end to your year, take a few minutes to look at what is in your pipeline, what has been onboarded, and what is in production. Is it what you expect? Pat McGrew offers some tips for evaluating your YTD performance.

Are You Selling with the Wrong Data? Part 2: External Data

Published June 28, 2022

You should be using data to guide your sales planning, and you should be revisiting the data you collect on a regular cadence because things change. In part one of this feature, Pat McGrew looked at how to gather and evaluate internal data. In part two, she looks at how external data can influence your sales plans.

Are You Selling with the Wrong Data?

Published June 14, 2022

You should be using data to guide your sales planning, and you should be revisiting the data you collect on a regular cadence because things change. But there is a lot of potential data—some of it is useful in helping to set sales plans, and some of it could be considered noise. Pat McGrew helps you determine which is which.

How Not to Sell Software at Trade Shows

Published May 31, 2022

Expos and exhibitions are interesting opportunities to sell, but the event alone is not enough to generate leads or close sales. Selling at trade shows takes a strategy and preparation. In part two of a two-part series, contributor Pat McGrew offers some do’s and don’ts for selling print software at trade shows.

How Not to Sell Hardware at Trade Shows

Published May 16, 2022

Expos and exhibitions are interesting opportunities to sell, but the event alone is not enough to generate leads or close sales. Selling at trade shows takes a strategy and preparation. In part one of a two-part series, contributor Pat McGrew offers some do’s and don’ts for selling print hardware at trade shows.

More Green Grass for Sales

Published April 26, 2022

Sales is a numbers game, but sometimes the focus on numbers derails thoughts of having creative conversations that can lead to higher-value sales. In Part 2 of her “Where is the Sales Grass Greener?” series, Pat McGrew explains how to go beyond the “Always Be Closing” mentality and develop deeper relationships with customers.

Pat McGrew Talks Data

Published April 21, 2022

"If you’re running a business and you don’t know your cost of goods sold, you’re not using data properly." WhatTheyThink contributor Pat McGrew discusses the emphasis on data collection and analysis at the recent Dscoop, and how, when used properly, data can help businesses grow.

Where is the Sales Grass Greener?

Published April 5, 2022

No matter how deeply you believe they rely on your services or how perfect your solutions may be, the road to successful sales begins with a relationship. Pat McGrew explains how to create an environment where the sales team operates at the highest levels.

What D’Ya Know About Your Software Investments?

Published March 22, 2022

Software is the hidden infrastructure in every business. Without a common understanding in both the business and production teams that installed software tools are to be used and not circumvented, the business cannot have a clear understanding of inbound orders, scheduling, work-in-progress, bottlenecks, shipments, and invoicing. Pat McGrew explains how to get everyone on board.

What D’Ya Know About Your Hardware Investments?

Published March 8, 2022

New equipment investments are wasted if the devices are not put into production quickly. Set the team and the business up for success. Pat McGrew tells you how.

Smart Surveys Expand Sales Options

Published March 1, 2022

Surveys can be a great tool to keeping up with customer needs. Contributor Pat McGrew offers some do’s and don’ts for constructing effective surveys that will give you the data you need to better serve your customers.

Three Strategies for Keeping Up with Customers

Published February 15, 2022

Just as your own business changes, so, too, have your customers’ businesses changed to meet their own market needs. They may have stopped selling some products or services and added others. They may have had staff turnover, bought additional companies, or sold pieces of their business. Pat McGrew offers some strategies for staying updated on where your customers are and how you can best serve their changing needs.

Top Three Sales Mistakes to Avoid for 2022

Published January 25, 2022

The coming year will be one of rebuilding for everyone in your supply chain, including your most regular customers. They may be taking time to look carefully at all their relationships and their budgets, so you need to be visible to remain in consideration as they update their plans. Pat McGrew offers some tips for ensuring that your most loyal customers stay that way.

Top Three Software Sales Strategies for 2022

Published January 11, 2022

We were hoping that 2021 would bring stability and the end of lockdowns and quarantines. While we had some respite mid-year, we’re beginning 2022 with similar challenges. The good news for software sellers is that there is a continuing market for solutions to automate, optimize, and streamline at every step of the workflow. Contributor Pat McGrew offers three software sales strategies to kick off 2022.