If you’ve been wondering about the C-suite's take on how (or if) going greener works for printing businesses, you won’t want to miss our no-holds-barred panel discussion on Sustainability & Profitability, Saturday, 2 October at PrintCEO Forum. Don Samuels (Pictorial Offset), Marilyn Jones (Consolidated Printing), and John Edwards (Edwards Brothers) will give you the straight scoop on processes and procedures that have, and haven’t, worked for their operations – including recycling programs, getting ahead of regulations, getting carcinogens out of the workplace, and yeas and nays about various certification programs. Our Sustainability & Profitability panel is just one of many don’t-miss presentations being offered. As before, this year’s PrintCEO Forum is for printing executives only – making it a truly exceptional event. The entire agenda appears at http://whattheythink.com/ceo-forum/index.cfm Registration is $795 for the entire event, but you can use my special code – PCFPXN – to save $100. Follow this link to register today: https://whattheythink.com/ceo-forum/register.cfm While you’re in Chicago, be sure to drop by to hear me talk a blue streak about “Greenwashing” at 11am Monday in the GreenSpace on the GraphExpo floor. Afterwards, I’ll be around for one-on-one conversations about all things green. Looking forward to meeting you there!