Source:  Press Release from the issuing organizations

The Sustainable Green Printing Partnership and ACE Public Relations LLC have announced a partnership to promote environmental stewardship through SGP certification. On a pro-bono basis, ACE will provide counsel and will use a variety of communication tools that will help to position SGP as the source that the print community turns to for information and guidance on best practices in printing sustainability.  “It’s important for us to have a cohesive campaign to raise awareness of sustainable printing and certification,” states Marci Kinter, Chairman of SGP. “Working with ACE Public Relations will not only further the message of sustainability in the printing industry, it will also help to solidify SGP's position in the broader sustainability movement. It’s a very exciting time for SGP.”    “Sustainability is an important cause for our agency, and we are pleased to be able to help SGP at such a pivotal time,” notes Heidi Thompson, Managing Director, ACE Public Relations. “As the demand for sustainability increases, SGP is well-positioned to become a leader in green stewardship. We look forward to helping SGP to capitalize on the momentum it has built to date and to further its cause of making a positive impact for a more sustainable future.”