Formal 12-step programs are based on a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction or other behavioral problems. While not following the true form of 12-step methods, these 12 Steps to Sustainability are intended to reduce environmental impact - and "other behavioral problems." According to Kanal Consulting:
Concerns over climate change among consumers, employees, and political leaders are growing. Leading companies too are becoming increasingly concerned about their impact on the environment, and their access to dwindling resources. As a result, many are paying more attention to the sustainability of their operations— as well as seeking new revenue opportunities from a growing number of environmentally-conscious customers. These companies are realizing that “being green” is not just the right thing to do, but is also an important catalyst for value creation. Whether it’s from reducing energy and materials usage, or selling environmentally friendly products, these companies have seen that sustainability can help their bottom line, and help the planet at the same time.
The 12 key points in the report are:
  1. Integrate sustainability into the company's vision, values, or core mission statement.
  2. Set goals that are specific, credible, measurable, and normalized for business changes.
  3. Treat sustainability projects with the same business case requirements as other projects.
  4. Let the CEO and senior executives be the key spokespeople, and demonstrate internal commitment.
  5. Establish a strong governance model.
  6. Ensure employee engagement.
  7. Drive operational efficiencies.
  8. Implement technologies and policies to reduce business travel and commuting.
  9. Employ product life-cycle analysis to inform new designs.
  10. Communicate internally and externally.
  11. Partner with the supply chain.
  12. Engage various stakeholders.
Download the full report, "12 Steps to Sustainability: How Every Company Can Implement Sustainability to Improve the Bottom Line and the Environment" (PDF).