On Earth Day, April 22, WhatTheyThink hosted a webinar titled "Certifications as Part of a Sustainability Business Strategy," sponsored by Océ North America, which addressed various certification processes as sustainability strategies. This new report, "Printing Goes Green: A WhatTheyThink Primer on Environmental Sustainability in the Commercial Printing Industry," goes the next step and gives owners and managers of commercial printing operations the tools to implement a "Green Strategy." Printing Goes Green, researched and edited by Richard Romano, notes that the top “green” practices that U.S. commercial printers say they have currently implemented are:
  • promote recycled papers as better than ‘typical’ papers
  • identify itself in marketing and sales materials and promotions as an environmentally sensitive business
  • justify new equipment purchases because of their more favorable environmental impact
The bad news is that more than half of respondents selected “none of the above.” Printing Goes Green digs deep into current practices and provides a list of resources and action items so that any company can begin to implement initiatives and programs to become more environmentally friendly. Also included in this report are:
  • Green Organizations and Certifications
  • Green Production Processes
  • Recommendations
  • Resources - associations, publications, websites/blogs, events
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