A DVD or CD delivered via the mail as part of a direct mail package can be an effective way to communicate with a target audience, according to a new survey from the Direct Marketing Association and the DiscMail Direct Coalition. The survey found that 91% of respondents who received a DVD or CD in the mail opened the mailer while 85% of respondents said they would prefer receiving a DVD or CD in the mail over an e-mail from the same advertiser. Sending a consumer a DVD or CD “is digital advertising packaged for postal delivery,” said Guy Finley, director at DiscMail Direct, in a statement. This method of direct marketing “combines the measurable analytics of digital advertising with a physical product that captivates and communicates to consumers.” Other findings from the survey include that 73% of recipients of DVDs or CDs in the mail actually played the discs in their computers; 59% thought that a DVD was more secure than e-mail, and 89% would spend more time or the same amount of time with a direct mail piece if it included a DVD or CD. The DiscMail Direct Coalition was founded by a coalition of businesses and organizations with roots in the home entertainment and direct mail industries. Members include Budco, Butler Mail and MCS Marketing.