The "Experience Necessary" feature in today's New York Times profiles Robert Warner, master printer at Bowne and Company Stationers (an installation of the South Street Seaport Museum). Self-taught, Warner is the working curator of what is said to be New York City's oldest continuing business—a letterpress printing shop established by Robert Bowne in 1775. Under Warner's direction, it still operates much as it did in the late 19th century, with handset types and treadle-powered platen presses. When in New York, don't fail to visit Mr. Warner in this living shrine to printing's historic past.
About Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry is a journalist and an educator who has covered the graphic communications industry since 1984. The author of many hundreds of articles on business trends and technological developments in graphic communications, he has been published in most of the leading trade media in the field. He also has taught graphic communications as an adjunct lecturer for New York University and New York City College of Technology. The holder of numerous awards for industry service and education, Henry is currently the managing director of Liberty or Death Communications, a content consultancy.
I would love to have a Green printing Tip for letterpress.
Less paper needed.
No chemicals
thickness of stock not a problem
I would make this my 32nd Green Tip in the blog I write for. and post later to
By Greg Barber on Jan 25, 2010
I would love to have a Green printing Tip for letterpress. Less paper needed. No chemicals thickness of stock not a problem etc I would make this my 32nd Green Tip in the blog I write for. and post later to