There are some colors that are just perfect! A deeply colored flower... a beautiful bird feather...  the color of your baby's neck... Haven't we all wished that we could just find a way to select that color and use it in a design project?

The Color Picker Pen! That's it!

Korean designer Jinsu Park designed a concept pen that adopts the eyedropper tool from Photoshop for real life. The color picker pen enables colors in the environment to be scanned and instantly used for drawing.

Color Picker #1First you identify something that is exactly the color you want to reproduce. Bring the pen up to it and capture the color using the built in sensor.

Color Picker #2Then the pen mixes the right color for you and - voilà - there you have it! No more holding those little swatches up for a match.

Pantone, eat your heart out!

Now here's today's quiz. What's wrong with this lovely tool? Click on the image below to see how it works.

Color PIcker #3