WhatTheyThink.com's Senior Editor Cary Sherburne has filed a special report on the Adobe/FedEx Kinko’s Firestorm (WTT subscription required) resulting from Adobe's agreement with FedEx Kinko's to include Kinko's proprietary web-to-print technology in Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat 8 software.

The deal has many print service providers to crying foul, as well as NAPL, NAQP, DICE and PIA/GATF. Adobe has been rather silent publicly on the issue with no press releases on their PR page and reports of canned statements being sent to Adobe customers and journalists including the response sent to Cary Sherburne:

Dear Cary,

Thank you for your recent communication concerning the Adobe/FedEx Kinko's announcement. We wish we could send a personal note to everyone who has contacted us, but due to the overwhelming response, we are forced to send you a more formal letter. We understand that this announcement has caused concern among some of our partners and key business allies in the print community.

Our motivation for the deal was simple – offer customers, who are already printing and shipping through FedEx Kinko's, a more seamless way of getting their print jobs done. Clearly, the industry did not view our announcement in that way. It was not Adobe’s intent to upset our loyal print partners or in-house print service providers. Adobe has a long history with the print community that we appreciate and value greatly.

We are currently working to set up a forum with a group of print partners to serve as an advisory council to Adobe on this issue. We will look for ways to accommodate your needs and those of the other members of the print community while respecting our contractual obligations with FedEx Kinko's. The advisory meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 17. If you have ideas or suggestions, please email them to [email protected] by July 11th so we can include them in the forum.

Our goal remains steadfast: working with you to improve our customers’ experiences. Again, thank you for your feedback.

Johnny Loiacono
Senior Vice-President
Creative Solutions Business Unit

You will also find no mention of the subject on Johnny Loiacono's JohnnyL’s Blogic blog or on the Creative Solutions PR blog. Going into the July 17 meeting, my suggestion to Adobe: Start using your blogs to engage the customers who feel betrayed by your deal with Kinko's. Use your blogs to be more open about why you did what you did, what your contractual obligations to Kinko's are, and how all of your customers can streamline the specification and procurement of print using the Adobe products and Web. Blogs work, ask Microsoft.

To join the Adobe-FedEx Kinko’s Deal discussion here at the PrintCEO Blog, head over to the Adobe and Kinko’s deal has printers in an uproar thread.

Upadate Dr. Joe Webb has posted More on the Adobe Kerfuffle in WhatTheyThink.com's Economics and Research Center