Magazines may not be following the way of dinosaurs and passenger pigeons, at least according to Mark Glaser, host of PBS' MediaShift. Glaser "digs deeper" in an interview with Samir Husni, chair of the University of Mississippi's Department of Journalism, known as Mr. Magazine. Read the entire interview here - there are some great thoughts about how to balance online and offline content.

Glaser quotes Husni saying, "As long as we have human beings, we are going to continue to have ink on paper. I'm not an ostrich who puts his head in the sand because I know there are some things that print cannot compete with the new technologies. But there are also ways that the new technology cannot compete with print." Husni said he believes people will always want print periodicals, even as new media and online sites gain in popularity, but print publications should shift to more analysis and add more photos.