Everyone has seen magazine covers splashed with some version of "How to be Green" as a focus. Last week, Time Magazine had a huge issue with numerous pages devoted to being green. Well, others are getting in the game too. From Grist.org:

Glamour has just published a 10-page spread with eco-tips and an in-depth online guide. Perhaps more surprising: a recent cover story on climate change in Sports Illustrated. "We've reached critical mass," says SI Senior Editor Richard Demak. "It's time to address this in all venues -- why shouldn't sports be one of them?" Four more glossies -- Country Home, Outside, Town & Country, and domino -- have put out green issues for April, and Elle is planning a reprise in May. "For the longest time, glossy magazines kind of stayed away from the green concept because they were a little scared of it," says Tom Farley, senior editor at Town & Country. "They thought that to go green meant that people had to wear hemp clothing or live off the grid in a yurt somewhere. As the movement has evolved, the choices have evolved too."
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