On Tuesday, the announcement of the new Kodak Creative Network came across my computer screen. It wasn't the name that caught my attention, it was the headline: Kodak Launches Online Printing Service ... Kodak is launching a printing service?

A closer examination - and phone call to Jeff Hayzlett, CMO, Kodak Graphic Communications Group - cleared up a few things. No, Kodak isn't getting into the printing business; yes, Kodak is getting into networking printing businesses. "We are looking for printers with Nexpress devices to create a production network," Jeff told me. "Our goal is to send more business into those workflows. We expect to have dozens of printers who will produce the items from the Creative Network on Kodak equipment."

I understand the press release was more of a "soft launch" of the new service. The site has been live for about 8 months in a "test mode." And there are advertising tests, direct mail tests, and e-mail tests going on to judge the response of the target market - small office/home office businesses. The model Kodak is following is their rollout of the EasyShare Gallery - baby steps to test the market and the site.

If you want to take a test run of the site, go to: Kodak Creative Network and try your hand at designing a business card or postcard. There are other sites out there where you can "walk up to the web," design something, and buy it, like VistaPrint, AmazingPrint, and a host of others. VistaPrint is, of course, the grand daddy of them all, but the Creative Network holds its own. Pretty amazing for a site that is "a test, only a test," according to Hayzlett.

I only gave the site a short test run, but can report some good news and some bad news. First the bad - it took a while to load up the first time. I almost thought that the whole site was frozen, but then when everything was up and running it turned out to be pretty snappy. The selection of designs - for those who are graphically-challenged - is pretty sorry. However, the "design it yourself" feature is nice. You can upload logos and images, stretch them, crop them, move them around... Nice!

The price is right! I ordered 150 4/0 square business cards (never saw them offered on a web store before) and even got a 20% discount for a new user. You too can get a discount - 100 standard business cards for $2 - what a deal!

Watch for a complete site review in the next week or so...


Kodak released the following statement which clarifies the press release from yesterday. As noted above, but not clearly in the company's official press release, the printing is done by customers of Kodak - not Kodak. "KODAK Creative Network is in response to requests from our customers to drive more demand for print business. Production for the KODAK Creative Network, KODAK EASYSHARE Gallery and other independent online services is done by Kodak customers utilizing KODAK NEXPRESS solutions. Our customers are asking for more business, and we're doing everything we can to get more of it to them." - Jeff Hayzlett, Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President, Graphic Communications Group.