Two American Business Media rebuttal witnesses were cross-examined before the Postal Rate Commission this week. Their written testimony was filed in November. Circulation Management reported on their appearance. The ABM testimony was made in response to two sets of testimony and rate proposals, one jointly by the Magazine Publishers of America and the Association of Nonprofit Mailers; and the other by Time Warner.

Highlights & Excerpts

- ABM member b-to-b publications “cannot escape sacks by virtue of their time value, trim size or small print runs” and which would therefore have to “bear punishing [rate] increases” under the Time Warner and MPA proposals.

- “We urge the Commission to recognize that thousands of small and medium size publications, and even some larger ones, do not now and will not in the near future have the option of mailing on pallets…it serves little purpose to create a demand for services well in excess of the ability of the industry to provide them.”