Who is in charge of your print software solutions? The small step of simply assigning an individual goes a long way towards truly owning the software tools that run your business.
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Jennifer Matt is the managing editor of WhatTheyThink’s Print Software section as well as President of Web2Print Experts, Inc. a technology-independent print software consulting firm helping printers with web-to-print and print MIS solutions.
Well said ? We did this when we selected our new CRM program many years back.
The person selected to be the new CRM Administrator was our lead support person. She knew our specific requirements and problems, had the technical chops, but was incredibly busy. Adding new software "Administrator" to her day was daunting but management gave her the freedom to carve off and delegate some of her tasks freeing up time to for her to dedicate to the new software set-up task.
Not only did this allow her time to focus resulting in a successful implementation, but it allowed others, including me, the ability to learn some of her skills making the team as a whole more diverse and valuable.
By Corry Casler - PressWise on May 26, 2021
Well said ? We did this when we selected our new CRM program many years back.
The person selected to be the new CRM Administrator was our lead support person. She knew our specific requirements and problems, had the technical chops, but was incredibly busy. Adding new software "Administrator" to her day was daunting but management gave her the freedom to carve off and delegate some of her tasks freeing up time to for her to dedicate to the new software set-up task.
Not only did this allow her time to focus resulting in a successful implementation, but it allowed others, including me, the ability to learn some of her skills making the team as a whole more diverse and valuable.
By Corry Casler - PressWise on Jun 01, 2021
P.S. The ? after "Well Said ?" was an emoji that converted into a question mark :-) So I'll try this again... Well said Jennifer!