Press release from the issuing company
Positive indicators show the paper industry is capitalizing on economy’s growth
McLean, Va. – Today, the Paper and Packaging Board releases its 2018 Annual Report and State of the Campaign update highlighting the progress of the Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds® campaign. Positive-trending consumer preference data shows the most improved and robust measures of consumers’ desire for paper since the campaign launch in 2015.
Among the target audience who recall seeing campaign ads, measures related to personal relevance and attitudes around the quality of paper and paper-based product packaging have improved since the start of the campaign. 75 percent feel that storing and keeping information on paper is valuable in a digital world, 70 percent think more highly of companies and brands that use paper-based product packaging, and 75 percent find recycling worthwhile.
“The four-year-old campaign continues to create strong positive feelings about our products giving customers looking for an alternative to plastic even more reasons to use paper-based packaging,” according to Mary Anne Hansan, president of the Paper and Packaging Board. “Paper and paper-based packaging have high recyclability and these products come from a renewable resource. While the recycling market continues to sort itself out, most of the consumers surveyed remain committed to choosing and using paper.”
This year, the campaign focused on messaging tailored to strategy, learning, innovation and productivity. It optimized technology and intuitive website content to tell a story. The advertising campaign has appeared in primetime, late-night and digital TV, digital video, print advertising, social media platforms and in public relations campaigns. The multimillion-dollar campaign brings together manufacturers and importers of paper and packaging for the purposes of promotion. Visit for more information.
The combined marketing metrics, as well as other campaign results, can be found in the State of the Campaign update to the Industry, including the 2018 Annual Report on financials.
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