Milford, Ohio – TLMI announces the addition of two new external judges to the association’s Environmental Leadership Awards Judging Panel: Jun Wang, Ph.D., Senior Technical Associate Packaging Innovation – Global Design & Packaging for Colgate-Palmolive Company and Gary Jones, Director of Environmental, Health and Safety Affairs for the Specialty Graphics Imaging Association (SGIA). Wang and Jones will join returning external judge Kelly Cramer, Sustainable Packaging Coalition Director of Program Management at GreenBlue, who joined the panel in 2018.

Upon his appointment to the panel, Dr. Wang commented, “Labels are critical to the packaging sustainability and our environment. We need more and more label innovations to make our world a better place to live in. I am pleased to be a judge for the TMLI Environmental Leadership Awards to witness these changes.”

TLMI’s primary goal in adding additional external judges to the panel is to raise awareness throughout the supply chain around the actions and innovations the association’s members are implementing to become more sustainable. TLMI Vice President of Sustainability, Rosalyn Bandy, comments, “In adding these new external judges to the panel, TLMI is further expanding the recognition of the Environmental Leadership Awards to both TLMI’s members and to the greater industry. All of our external judges have a keen awareness of how labels affect the entire packaging supply chain. In addition to the external judges, TLMI has also recently announced that the Environmental Leadership Awards will be renamed as of this year. We are now calling the awards the Frosties, as a tribute to TLMI member Calvin Frost for his decades-long tireless dedication to making our industry more sustainable and environmentally aware of its impact on the planet. I would like to personally welcome our new external judges to the panel and I look forward to working closely with them in the coming months.”