Press release from the issuing company
Rockville, Md. - Topdown®, the leading provider of correspondence and document automation software, announced today that their flagship product was recently cited in The Forrester Wave™: Document Output for Customer Communications Management, Q1 2014 published on January 8, 2014 by Forrester Research, Inc. In the report, the authors state that CLIENT LETTER® “…has deeper support for complex and high volume correspondence solutions than the horizontal DOCCM apps covered in this Forrester Wave.”
The 2014 Forrester Wave report categorizes the DOCCM market into three segments —Interactive, On-Demand, and Structured — and evaluates the capabilities of 11 Document Output for Customer Communications Management (DOCCM) software vendors. Forrester focused their evaluation on vendors that support all 3 segments.
Topdown offers 2 DOCCM products: CLIENT LETTER for Interactive solutions such as customer correspondence, and INFORM® for generating Structured documents, such as invoices and statements. Both products have On-Demand capabilities, including integration with line-of-business and back-office applications via web services.
“We were thrilled that a leading independent analyst cited CLIENT LETTER,” said Matt Lederer, senior vice president for sales and marketing for Topdown. “I believe that our customers will be pleased, and we look forward to speaking to other companies looking to standardize on a single correspondence solution across their enterprise.”
In 2013, Topdown released version 5.0 of CLIENT LETTER, which introduced a 100% browser-based Interactive editor. The Interactive component can be used to create and consume documents on computers and mobile devices. CLIENT LETTER can be integrated with nearly any customer touch point, including web portals and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems, to enable consumer-driven communications.
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