Press release from the issuing company
Unisource Worldwide, Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in the United States and a global provider of comprehensive customer solutions including facility supplies and equipment, has recently renewed the company’s commitment to the health and safety of thousands of schoolchildren through support of the Healthy Schools Campaign.
“Healthy school environments are inherently important to children’s health and academic success. Problems such as exposure to hazardous chemicals, toxic building materials and mold negatively affect children’s ability to consistently attend school and learn,” says Garrett Gerst, Sr. Marketing Manager – Facility Supplies for Unisource. “The Healthy Schools Campaign works to improve environmental health in schools through a variety of initiatives, including green cleaning, high-performing schools and indoor air quality.”
The Healthy School Campaign publishes The Quick and Easy Guide to Green Cleaning in Schools as a resource guide designed to demystify green cleaning for the school audience. This publication contains approachable, digestible information that school nurses, teachers, parents, administrators and other school stakeholders can take to their school board to support the implementation of green cleaning programs. The guide also contains a variety of content covering everything from why green cleaning is important to choosing green products, and includes a Featured Products database and a Distributors Center allowing school administrators to locate sources of green cleaning products.
Unisource has been a sponsor of the guide since the publication of the first edition in 2006. Since then, the group has distributed more than 100,000 hard copies of the guide and had more than 115,000 visits to their website, In addition, the guide is supported by the Green Cleaning quarterly newsletter, which is sent to more than 5,000 subscribers. The guide has also helped the Healthy Schools Campaign support advocates in states across the country push for green clean legislation.
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