WAM!NET Announces CIP4 Membership And JDF Initiatives
Press release from the issuing company
EAGAN, Minn.--Sept. 11, 2003-- WAMNET, a new division of SAVVIS Communications Corporation, announced today that it is now a full vendor member of the CIP4 organization and is actively working towards JDF compliance through the development of solutions with a number of high profile partners in the graphic arts and printing industry.
CIP4 is a worldwide operating standards body based in Switzerland whose purpose is to encourage the computer-based integration of processes and the specification of standards, such as the Job Definition Format (JDF), within the graphic arts industry. JDF is an industry standard designed to simplify information exchange between different applications. It enables the integration of commercial and planning applications into the technical workflow. JDF joins the growing number of standards based on Extensible Markup Language (XML), ensuring maximum portability between different platforms and ready interaction with web-based systems.
WAM!NET has demonstrable proficiency in delivering XML-based information along with data files, and is well positioned to provide JDF solutions for its customers. WAM!NET is actively working with major vendors and is forming partnerships to develop and install specific user-based solutions including applications for job tickets, preflighting and automated file transfer, while verifying that it meets the requirements for JDF compliance.
"Graphics production involves a number of different players including corporate marketers, ad agencies, prepress houses, and printers, among others. It is much easier to implement a JDF-compliant process within the four walls of a production facility than it is among a number of disparate partners at different locations," comments Richard Metcalf, managing director of WAM!NET, a division of SAVVIS. "WAM!NET has been focused on enabling its services to attach XML instructions to data files and transfer them securely around the globe. With the global network foundation from SAVVIS, WAM!NET will be able to provide its customers global JDF compatibility as the industry moves to adoption of CIP4 standards. And, JDF provides an opportunity for users of graphic arts equipment to obtain a better return on their technology investment and an opportunity to create a print production and distribution workflow that is more competitive."