
FormStore Incorporated Goes Green with 100% Wind Power

Press release from the issuing company

December 5, 2007- Fenton, Missouri, USA- FormStore Incorporated, a leading manufacturer of membership identification cards and digital printing, announced today the decision and commitment to purchase renewable energy credits (RECs) equal to 100% Wind Power at its two Fenton, Missouri, manufacturing facilities.
FormStore Incorporated has taken this initial step as an industry leader to demonstrate how easy it is to convert to renewable energy sources. RECs purchased through Pure Power represent removal of approximately 900 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide, a leading greenhouse gas, from entering the atmosphere each year. This is equal to the Carbon Dioxide reduction provided by over 700 acres of forest storing carbon for one year or taking almost 200 cars off the road for a year.
“We are delighted with our decision and our leadership role in our industry,” commented Paul Edwards, CDC, FormStore president. “We invite our distributors and channel partners to embrace and to support our decision.”  FormStore manufactures over 100 million membership identification cards annually and FormStore’s new Digital Connect facility houses the largest digital color printing installation in the St. Louis area.
FormStore’s patented membership identification card solutions are distributed through its channel partners in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Latin America. “Purchasing RECs equal to 100% Wind Power brings FormStore into the forefront with renewable energy resource trends in not only the United States, but                    
also worldwide. This is extremely important when working with our channel partners in other energy minded countries.”
FormStore Incorporated has also initiated a special “Win with Wind” program to encourage all of its 100 employees to also join in its Wind Power program. Employees who register their home power use with the local utility will receive a special $10 per month “Win with Wind” bonus. “We want our company to expand its industry leadership position and we want to encourage our employees to also become leaders in their communities,” announced Edwards.
FormStore Incorporated is purchasing RECs through its local electrical utility provider, AmerenUE, under its Pure Power program organized by 3Degrees, a climate solutions company that enables businesses and consumers to participate in the market for clean, renewable energy from sources including wind, biomass, geothermal, low-impact hydro and solar energy. The RECs are certified by The Center for Resource Solutions, a non-profit player in third-party certification and verification of renewable energy products. The Green-e standard, recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency's Green Power Partnership, is the quality standard for voluntary renewable energy markets in the US.
For further information access www.formstore.com/wind.htm