IPA Announces new webinar series: G7 Implementation: What You Need to Know
Press release from the issuing company
Edina, MN--April 5, 2007-- IPA, the Association of Graphic Solutions Providers announced its new webinar series on G7 implementation taking place April 18 & 19, 2007.
In two years, G7 has gone from an experimental exercise to the core basis of the new SWOP and GRACoL 2006 specifications. In this two-part Webinar series, Don Hutcheson, inventor of the G7 method, provides definitive, step-by-step, "how to" instructions for calibrating any proofing or printing system to the G7 specification.
The GRACoL G7 method is a new approach to press and/or proofing color calibration designed to: improve proof-to-press color matching, reduce make-ready times, simplify file exchange, and lower production costs. Based on the ISO 12647-2 printing standard, G7 departs from traditional TVI-based calibration to achieve more consistent visual appearance in neutral gray tones with RIP curves alone. When used as part of a total color management approach, G7 extends the value of new technologies like CTP, ICC and digital proofing.
About the presenter
With more than 38 years of production and R&D experience and as chair of IDEAlliance GRACoL Working Group, Don Hutcheson brings his innovative "shared appearance" concept to international printing standards, whereby all printing methods can share a similar gray scale appearance, simply through common calibration goals.
Who should attend
Anyone interested in quickly achieving accurate color output in printing and/or proofing.