Montreal, Canada -- January 10, 2007 Polkadots Software Inc., a leading prepress workflow developer, specializing in database driven workflow automation for newspaper and commercial (hybrid) production announces that NEWSflo LITE, the automated newspaper production workflow, has been selected by The Chicago Tribune. NEWSflo LITE provides much more than just page pairing since it is able to monitor remote locations for files and automatically download those files, assign the correct naming convention, load balance between multiple embedded RIPs to pre-process pages and store everything to a database. NEWSflo's database driven automation will pair the pages, apply fan-out, delayed black, a variety of direct printing options as well as load balancing between any of the five Autologic 3850 imagesetters on site. Jhon Marte, Director Client Systems, at The Chicago Tribune stated, "I was impressed with the simplicity and flexibility NEWSflo brought to our environment.† Polkadots has provided a solution that meets our expectations 100%.† All of our requirements including Templates, Ripping, Page Pairing, Furniture, Hard Proof, Output to Film, Soft Proof, Integration to our Ink System and ftp servers were configured and put into production in a matter of days. Polkadots provides exemplary customer services; no matter the time or day of the week; you always get the help needed..." The Chicago Tribune has installed NEWSflo LITE for page pairing and production of the New York Post. The Tribune opted for the fully redundant NEWSflo configuration on 2 servers so that if 1 server should fail for any reason the second NEWSflo server will take over and pick up the additional load. In addition The Tribune selected a mix of internet based installation as well as on-site training. The servers were installed and configured online then an on-site training was done with the operators to ensure that the NEWSflo configuration was optimized for The Chicago Tribune's requirements. Polkadots benefits from global distribution channels and is always interested in finding new partners to work with. Polkadots' commitment to the printing and publishing industry is evident by its active participation at industry events and its ongoing investment into research and development of automated workflow and prepress solutions. For more information about our company, our products or to become a business partner, please visit