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ECRM Violet CTP Delivers Business Savings For Bermuda’S Only Daily Newspaper Printer, The Royal Gazette

Press release from the issuing company

BERMUDA – May 19, 2006 – Bermuda-based, The Royal Gazette newspaper, today reported upon the significant business benefits observed following the installation of two ECRM NEWSmatic CTP platesetters. Replacing its previous three filmsetters, the new platesetters have increased print quality and reduced the company’s overall print waste by 20%. Founded in 1828, The Royal Gazette is Bermuda's only daily newspaper, publishing every day except Sunday and public holidays. With daily circulation of more than 16,000 copies, the newspaper reaches more than 90 percent of the island’s adult audience. Jamie Cann, Production Manager, Press and Distribution, The Royal Gazette, comments, “Since our ECRM installation, the savings we have seen across the business and the increase to productivity have been beyond our expectations. Our NEWSmatic’s have proved to be very cost-effective and reliable, requiring no significant financial outlay to install. They deliver all the benefits and functionality we need, but with no compromise on quality – they are one of the best investments we have ever made.” Color at The Royal Gazette As the only daily newspaper printer on the island, there is a high demand for color in both the paper and the two weekly magazines The Royal Gazette produces. A recent example of this was shown in a newspaper containing the greatest number of spot colors that The Royal Gazette had ever printed in one run. Using NEWSmatic’s ability to provide accurate image registration on the plates, each spot of color was aligned and the job was considered a huge success. According to the newspaper, this would not have been possible using film, especially with short production deadlines. “This is just one example of where ECRM-imaged plates delivered high quality color reproduction, avoiding time consuming and costly alignment problems,” continues Jamie. “When loaded on press, the plate registration is first class, enabling us to print more precise and accurate color than ever before. When printing advertisements, we believe that we are now better able to represent our customers’ brands.” Time is Money Jamie claims that since installing the ECRM CTP machines, the ability to achieve registration quicker, and the impact of less downtime, has enabled The Royal Gazette to maximize press productivity. Jamie explains, “Thanks to the NEWSmatic’s fully automated process, we can to attend to other jobs with the peace of mind that our plates will be imaged to the highest quality. This is something that every printer wants to achieve.” Using its two NEWSmatics, The Royal Gazette can now run a double truck position in color – something that it couldn’t efficiently do before. This has opened up new possibilities for generating revenue and meeting customer requirements. “As a newspaper printer, the ECRM violet CTP system meets all our needs, and since installation, we have been able to increase print quality and enjoy some great customer feedback,” continues Jamie. About ECRM NEWSmatic The ECRM NEWSmatic is an automatic violet CTP solution for newspapers, which can accommodate all formats from double truck to tabloid. Imaging plates up to 635mm x 927mm (25.0” x 36.5”), the NEWSmatic has production speeds of up to 80 broadsheet pages per hour. Proven imaging technology ensures consistent dot definition, and once the plate is positioned on press, an auto image feature facilitates a continual automated workflow. The integrated registration system provides high-quality color reproduction. Simple to use and easily integrated into existing workflows, the NEWSmatic is a cost-effective and user-friendly CTP imaging solution. Up and Running Jamie concludes, “The ECRM installation process was totally seamless, with our platesetters being up and running within only 12 hours. As we are based on an island, ECRM’s after-sales care is also key to our business. The quality of ECRM’s service and its focus on customer satisfaction provides us with invaluable peace of mind. We look forward to an excellent, ongoing relationship with ECRM.”

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