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XMPie Offers Sneak Peak At Groundbreaking Cross Media Technology

Press release from the issuing company

BIRMINGHAM, England, April 4, 2006 -- IPEX 2006 -- XMPie, www.xmpie.com, the award-winning provider of dynamic publishing software is offering attendees of IPEX 2006 a sneak preview of Interactive Content Ports, a next generation technology in Cross Media marketing. With Interactive Content Ports, the data and rules that drive the personalization of print campaigns are shared with any interactive Web design software via a standard database connection or Web Services. Interactive Content Ports make it easy and natural for any Web developer to incorporate dynamic, data-driven Web sites into any XMPie variable data campaign. Demonstrations of Interactive Content Ports are available in the XMPie booth #20-A20 in Hall 20 at IPEX 2006 ”XMPie is tearing down traditional barriers to make variable Cross Media campaigns truly accessible to the interactive media community,” said Jacob Aizikowitz, founder and CTO of XMPie. “In doing so, we continue our focus on the creative professional, giving them the freedom to use their native design tools to add personalization and Cross Media capabilities to their campaigns.” Interactive Content Ports allow any Web development program that connects to a standard data source to connect to the XMPie ADOR objects. These contain all the variables from a print campaign, including data, values of the variables after rules are applied to the data, and the paths to the digital assets. With Interactive Content Ports, this seamless connection becomes immediately available inside the interface of the Web design program. No plug-in software is needed because the ADOR objects are presented in a standard database or Web Services format. Key benefits: • Zero learning curve: Anyone familiar with the development of dynamic Web sites can immediately and intuitively connect and integrate those sites with an XMPie Cross Media campaign without having to install or learn new tools. • Update campaign variables through interactive on-line forms: Interactive, personalized online forms may be pre-populated with known values that may be edited online by consumers, or new data entered where none are present. This data can be written back immediately to the database for use in subsequent pages of the site, and in more targeted follow-up 1:1 print campaigns. • Server independence: The dynamic Web sites can be hosted on a server built with any technology (ASP, .NET, PHP, ColdFusion), in any language, and on any platform. The sites can be scaled up to a high capacity Web-farm as needed. “Our new Interactive Content Ports address the challenge of integrating dynamic Web sites with dynamic print publishing, and we see its tremendous potential as a catalyst for wider adoption of Cross Media applications,” said Eyal S. Goldwerger, CEO of XMPie. “Web designers are already skilled in creating a high level of personalization within Web sites. XMPie now gives the marketer the ability to leverage the native craft of Web designers within a Cross Media campaign that integrates personalized Web and print, while maintaining the brand integrity, consistency, and relevancy of messaging for each unique recipient.” Interactive Content Ports will be available with XMPie’s next release of its flagship VDP software, PersonalEffectTM, scheduled for the summer of 2006.

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