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BlueOcean Publishes Fictional Book about the Struggles of a 3rd Generation Printing Company

Press release from the issuing company

August 24, 2005 -- WELLESLEY, MA. -- "Sea Change, A story of Graphics and Communications in the 21st Century" is a fictional book about a third generation printing company, struggling to compete in a dynamic and demanding business environment. The story is seen through the eyes of a proven Sales professional. The text captures the essence of an industry that seeks to evolve from a price driven business into one of unique value creation. Review by a Printer According to Christopher Wells, President of LaVigne Printing Inc., (Worcester, MA), "Sea Change is a must-read for any executive or sales professional in the graphic arts industry. The tale will encourage, challenge, motivate...and frighten at times...anyone who has or is considering the transition from a bid-and-win print shop to a communications solution provider. Easy to read and entertaining, Sea Change is the most refreshing piece of writing on our industry to date." Added Wells, "Let's face it, printing has fundamentally changed -- business as usual will be the kiss of death for many who refuse to recognize the transformation. Read this book and avoid the pitfalls the early adopters had to stumble through. Read this book and prepare for the cultural challenges you will face. Read this book and raise your level of commitment to the changes you already know you have to make. Read this book and rejuvenate your excitement about the vision you've already established. Have everyone in your team read this book and prepare them to launch your business into the future." Another Review On another note from Mark Potter, Vice President, Eastern Zone, Brown Printing Company, "I found Sea Change intriguing from the perspective of a sales manager and one of the most riveting fictional business books I've read. I think any sales professional or business owner can learn and grow from the lessons Letteney delivers." Availability To learn more about the book "Sea Change" or to order a copy please visit: www.blueoceaninc.com/seachange

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