May 25, 2005 -- K-North has announced the sale of a new Komori LS-40 6/c 40" with Tower Coater and extended delivery to Lightning Graphics in Scarborough Ontario Canada. Lightning Graphics is a full service printer located just outside of Toronto and is planning to move into a new state of the art facility the end of this year. The new press will help Lightning continue on the current growth pattern and offer there clients with the latest technology available. The new LS 40" has already won accolades from around the printing industry for it's innovations and technology. The press to be installed later this year will come with all the features that have made the LS the printers chose around the world including the following: AMR (Automatic Make-ready), Semi Automatic plate changers, Vacuum Feed board, roller and blanket wash, Delta Dampening, CIP 3-4 data transfer and more.