LIVONIA, Mich., April 27 -- Valassis, the leading company in marketing services and Connective Media(TM), proudly announced today that Bill Hogg, Valassis Executive Vice President of Manufacturing and Operations, has been named the recipient of the Web Offset Association's (WOA) seventh annual Harry V. Quadracci VISION Award for leadership, achievement and visionary excellence in web offset printing. The honor is given to a web offset industry executive who has reached an unsurpassed level of excellence and achievement in the industry. The WOA created the award to highlight the spirit of industry pioneers, whose hard work and determination create a vibrant, growing and changing industry. Bill first came to work for Valassis in 1979 and is now responsible for leading the company's three printing facilities, operations division, and Valassis Promociones, a fulfillment company in Mexico. Under his watch, Valassis has established itself as the industry leader, having won numerous Gold Ink Awards as well as having been named on both Industry Week magazine's "50 Best Manufacturing Companies" list and Electronic Publishing magazine's "Top 20 Printing Firms That Inspire the Industry" list in 2004. As a leader with a strong customer background in manufacturing, operations and sales, Bill is active in the company's strategic direction and growth initiatives. He is also involved in the reengineering of the corporation to support Integrated Solutions and other customer focused change. Bill helped establish Valassis' second printing division in 1983 in Durham, North Carolina. The Harry V. Quadracci VISION Award will be presented to Bill at a luncheon on Monday, May 2 2005 at the WOA's 53rd Annual Management and Technical Conference in Dallas, Texas.