Dalim Dialogue Softproofing Solution Receives SWOP Certification
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Press release from the issuing company
Kehl, Germany – Dalim Software announces that it has received SWOP (Specifications for Web Offset Publications) Certification for its DALiM DiALOGUE softproofing solution. This certification confirms that DALiM DiALOGUE will consistently render color accurately on a monitor—hard copy proofs will match those viewed on screen, even for color-critical projects. Based on qualified testing, DALiM DiALOGUE v3.0 was SWOP Certified for use with the GTI SOFV-1ex viewing booth and the GretagMacbeth EyeOne Pro spectrophotometer, viewed on a 23-inch Apple Cinema display. Further equipment configurations will be qualified on an on-going basis.
SWOP specifications offer a uniform standard of excellence in the print production of magazines, ensuring quality and consistency to the publishing industry. The specifications are, in essence, a compilation of best practices achieved in the publishing industry. A system deemed SWOP Certified is capable of producing proofs that match as closely as possible the appearance of a SWOP-Certified Press Sheet.
DALiM DiALOGUE utilizes unique data-streaming technology to standard Web browsers, allowing users to view high-resolution files accurately, in real time and without the need for client software or browser plug-ins. Printers, publishers, ad agencies and designers can offer their customers the ability to view, zoom in/out, navigate, place annotations, draw to highlight areas, take densitometer readings, check production parameters, and even ‘chat’ in real time.
Unlike other systems that require the user to either install a Web-browser plug-in, or even download and install a complete client application, DALiM DiALOGUE is a standalone system that requires no client software whatsoever. Because it is not an ASP solution, there are no click charges for either the host (the printer) or their clients when viewing files. Furthermore, DALiM DiALOGUE’s software licensing doesn’t restrict the number of concurrent users. Any version of the software allows unlimited client access to the system. DALiM DiALOGUE supports under all current client operating systems and the only stand-alone SWOP Certified softproofing application that runs on a Macintosh.
“We’re pleased that now printers can now offer color-accurate monitor proofing through DALiM DiALOGUE, without an open-ended fee structure,” says Gee Ranasinha, director of marketing for Dalim Software. “It was important to our customers that beyond using DALiM DiALOGUE for content review, it was a color-accurate system as well. Because DALiM DiALOGUE features no “click charges”, it now offers printers and their customers a very reliable, efficient and cost-effective solution to their remote proofing requirements.”