ENGLEWOOD, Co., June 10 -- Cenveo Inc. today confirmed that it has received a letter from Burton Capital Management, LLC, Goodwood Inc. and certain other shareholders calling for a special meeting of Cenveo's shareholders. The Company said that if a meeting of shareholders has been properly called for, the Board will meet and set a date for such a meeting. As previously announced, the Company is aggressively exploring all of its strategic alternatives, with a view towards determining what course of action will maximize shareholder value. The Company cautions its shareholders to be wary of any shareholder group that seeks to short-circuit the Company's current evaluation of strategic alternatives. The Company noted that Mr. Burton declined to participate in the Board's competitive processes, and declined to make an acquisition proposal or proposal to make a direct investment in the Company. Mr. Burton has reiterated his demand that the Board appoint him Chairman and CEO without allowing for any further exploration of the Company's strategic alternatives. On April 18, 2005, Cenveo announced that it had, with the assistance of its financial and legal advisors, commenced an aggressive and thorough evaluation of strategic alternatives with the goal of maximizing shareholder value. The Board confirms that a number of interested parties have been studying confidential information provided to them by the Company. The exploration of strategic alternatives is progressing well. It should be noted that there can be no assurance of any particular outcome from this review. Susan Rheney, Chairman of Cenveo, said, "We are deeply engaged in an orderly and thorough review of our strategic alternatives with the goal of maximizing shareholder value for all shareholders. We invite all interested parties to participate as part of this deliberate process; we are concerned about any party that may wish to disrupt this process out of self-interest, rather than the interests of all shareholders."