July 9, 2003 -- The Sant Corporation, a leading provider of proposal and RFP response automation software, today announced it has joined forces with Kinko's Inc., the world's leading provider of document solutions and business services; PlaceWare Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft delivering Real-Time Collaboration Solutions to the marketplace; and Encounter Collaborative Inc., a provider of comprehensive audio and Web conferencing solutions, to offer a complete solution unlike any before that allows users to create, present, print and deliver sales proposals and presentations faster and more easily, without leaving their desks. In today's hectic business environment, businesspeople need to use their time more efficiently than ever. The Sant, Kinko's, PlaceWare and Encounter relationship allows customers to create persuasive proposals and presentations with Sant software; print and ship proposals via the online Sant Print Center powered by Kinko's; and deliver the presentation live online via the new Sant Presentation Center powered by PlaceWare and Encounter, a PlaceWare business partner. This integrated solution allows businesspeople to save time without sacrificing quality in their documents. To use the Sant Presentation Center, customers need only access a Web browser, schedule the presentation and provide credit card information. They are billed only for the time they spend online in the meeting. The Sant Presentation Center also enables users to collaborate via toll-free audio conference calls. "A proposal is an important part of the sales process, and you need to make a great impression. Kinko's ensures that the document will look professional while PlaceWare and Encounter give you the opportunity to deliver an interactive presentation without leaving your desk," said Brian Vass, vice president of marketing for Sant. "This is a powerful solution that will help salespeople save a tremendous amount of time and money, without sacrificing high-quality customer interaction." "Sant chose to work with Encounter and PlaceWare because we offer a flexible pay-per-minute solution that is easy-to-understand and user-friendly," said Bruce Frydenlund, CEO of Encounter. "With the ease of online access that PlaceWare provides, combined with the ease of printing offered by Kinko's, users have a complete sales-effectiveness solution," said Dustin Grosse, vice president of worldwide marketing and strategy of PlaceWare. "The joint effort of Sant, Kinko's, PlaceWare and Encounter comes at a perfect time," said John McDonald, senior vice president of sales for Kinko's. "With greater travel and budget constraints being placed on companies today, this collaboration makes presenting and delivering proposals faster and easier. It's a big step forward for all four companies and their customers."