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Printers Report on Projected Activities While Attending PRINT 01

Press release from the issuing company

Lexington, Kentucky, USA - August 26, 2001 - WhatTheyThink.com, the largest on-line community in the graphic arts industry, surveyed print vendors about their plans for PRINT 01. This survey took place with printers located throughout the United States. The goal of the survey was to determine what percentage of printers would attend the big show. The results last week emphasized overall attendance and reasons for NOT going. We also determined the main reasons for not attending and examined overall demographics. This week, we will analyze demographics around those who will attend and their plans for the show. Question of Focus This Week: If you will attend PRINT 01, rate the following activities. Will make a purchase on the show floor. Will make up my mind on a potential purchase. Will attend social gatherings sponsored by vendors. Will attend show sponsored seminars. Will stay for the entire show. (Very Likely - Likely - Not Likely - No Interest) Last week, we reported 33 percent of print executives surveyed said they would attend PRINT 01. By annual sales, larger print firms are much more likely to be at the show. 43 percent of printers with revenue over $5 million said they will go to PRINT. Of printers with $1 to $5 million in annual sales, 35 percent said they would attend and only 13 percent of print firms with less than $1 million in revenue will go. Also reported last week, of those attending, 35 percent described their job title as business management - CEO, VP or Owner. 33 percent were best described as operations and production management and 22 percent were sales and marketing professionals. 10 percent selected something other than the above job titles. “Will Make a Purchase on the Show Floor:” Only 3 percent have pretty certain plans to buy on the show floor at PRINT. 10 percent said they were likely to make a purchase. Most printers attending the show (76%) said it was not likely they would open their check books on the floor and 11 percent said they had no interest at all. “Will Make Up My Mind On a Potential Purchase:” Most printers (63% answering likely or very likely) say it is likely they will use the show to make up their mind on a potential purchase. 14 percent said it was very likely that their mind will be made up while at the show and 49 percent said it was likely to be a major influence on who gets their money. 30 percent of these printers said the show will most likely - not be a major influencing factor in a future purchase. Only 7 percent said there was no interest at all in making up their mind. “Will Attend Show Sponsored Seminars:” Only 22 percent of print executives attending the show have solid plans to be present at educational seminars sponsored by the show. 38 percent say it is likely they will attend seminars. 32 percent say it is unlikely they will continue their education via show seminars and 8 percent have no interest whatsoever in the educational track. “Will Attend Social Gatherings Sponsored by Vendors:” Who will be networking under the logo’s of suppliers serving the industry? Most printers (63% answering likely or very likely) say it is likely they will attend at least one of these events. Specifically, 16 percent said it was very likely they would attend a gathering and 45 percent said it was likely. 32 percent say it is not very likely they will attend social gatherings and 7 percent said there was no interest at all. “Will Stay for the Entire Show:” Very few print executives surveyed will stay for the entire show. The show dates are September 6th - 13th. 2 percent have pretty solid plans to stay for the entire event and 10 percent said it was likely they would stay. 67 percent say it is not likely they will stay for the whole show and 21 percent have zero interest in staying the entire time. Cross-Tabulation Highlights 91% of printers with over $5 million in revenue say it is “not likely” or have “no interest” in buying equipment on the show floor. 55% of printers with revenue between $1 and $5 million, say it is “likely” or “very likely” they would make up their mind about a future purchase at the show. 71% of printers with over $5 million in annual sales say it is “likely” and “very likely” that they will socialize at a vendor sponsored gathering. 56% of printers with sales over $5 million say it is “likely” and “very likely” they will attend show seminars. 73% of printers with $1 to $5 million in revenue say it is “likely” and “very likely” they will attend show seminars.

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