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New ezMerge Online Tool Boosts Print Shop Productivity Rates, Eliminates Reprints

Press release from the issuing company

Chicago, IL, July 10, 2001Print shops looking for ways to reduce labor costs and production delays have a new tool at their disposal, ezMerge(tm). Added to a print shop's Web site, ezMerge enables a visitor to have their order data merged with pre-produced artwork to create a proof and print-ready files. By clicking a button, the user's information is seamlessly combined with artwork for newsletters, business cards, price sheets, letterheads, envelopes, and more. Ideal for contract printing, the ezMerge templates can be made unique to the end user and their requirements. The process provides an immediate proof to the end user and eliminates the traditional manual labor involved with print shop staff re-typing the customer-supplied data. Besides eliminating a source of costly reprints, ezMerge provides a faster turnaround time for both end user and print shop. Visitors to a print shop's online order entry page equipped with ezMerge can create and view a proof in just one click. A second click produces the print-ready file for the print shop. A built-in, customer activated approval process notifies print shop staff, confirms the transaction to the end-user, and time stamps the job ticket for future review and reorders. The print-ready output eliminates traditionally non-recoverable labor costs for fixing file problems, thereby increasing net billable hours. Designed for use by print shops' corporate accounts, the system is flexible enough to accommodate smaller customers as well. The end user can use ezMerge to produce the proof, accept it, and deliver a print-ready file to the print shop in the time it would normally take just to write out a faxed order. The new ezMerge is available from PagePath Technologies, Inc. and is now a standard feature of MyOrderDesk, the affordable online toolkit for print pros. Widely recognized in small and mid-sized print shops, MyOrderDesk was voted "Product of the Year" by the membership of PrintImage International, and was named a "Best of Breed" technology by Xerox. Print shop's can sign up for ezMerge and MyOrderDesk on PagePath's Web site: www.PagePath.com.

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