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Articles by PrintLink

PrintLink’s articles explain the nuts and bolts of maximizing your human capital resources.  Should you wish to receive a PDF file of this article, please contact [email protected].  Or you can find past PrintLink articles in our recently published e-book, titled HR Bible for the Printing Industry: a how-to guide for profitable hiring. It is available by clicking on the following link to the WhatTheyThink Book Store: https://store.whattheythink.com/operations-management/hr-bible-for-the-printing-industry

PrintLink is North America's foremost personnel agency for the printing industry. Our managers offer discreet, confidential placement for all permanent positions in printing, publishing, packaging and document management. Our objective is to make introductions resulting in productive long-term employer/employee relationships.

We accomplish this goal by serving as a bridge between employers and job-seekers. Our industry-savvy managers provide a high standard of professionalism, and personal attention to both sides while helping them achieve the best and most mutually rewarding matches possible. We have earned a reputation for consistent, successful results. Employers who partner with us lessen the burden and increase the effectiveness of their hiring process.

PrintLink built its trustworthy reputation by following a strong professional ethic. We are NOT headhunters and never try to recruit candidates away from their employers. Candidates come to us. Most want to explore new opportunities discreetly because they are actively employed—a situation that gives you comfort and value in accessing hard-to-reach, motivated employees.

Displaying 1-31 of 31 articles

Employment Trends to Propel Business Success

Published December 20, 2010

Press headlines and reported hiring trends in both the U.S. and Canada indicate a modest increase over the past few months. PrintLink believed employment would start to moderately improve at the end of Q3/beginning of Q4 2010... and our stats demonstrate this is indeed the case. See how this should impact the way your thinking about hiring.

Profit by being a good employer

Published April 27, 2010

Why motivate employees to join and stay with your organization? First of all, because it’s good business. Companies that strive to attract and retain skilled personnel show consistently higher bottom-line profitability, increased value to customers, and stronger sustainability, especially in challenging times.

Effective job descriptions: What to put in them & how they help you achieve employee excellence

Published March 30, 2010

Although creating and maintaining effective job descriptions are both considerable tasks, most employers will recognize how indispensable the end results are in helping staff understand their responsibilities. After all, without a job description, how can an employee properly commit to—let alone be held accountable for--a position?

Making Every Hire Count:  Maximizing Your Human Capital Investment

Published February 23, 2010

With today’s leaner staff and budgets, every new hire counts drastically. Badly conducted hires will yield you staff who amount to little more than a cost of doing business. But although the money you spend on payroll could well be your largest cash commitment, a staff of properly hired and maintained employees can increase your profits far beyond their cost. Your staff is therefore an investment—easily the most important investment your business ever makes.

Quality of Hire Begins With Sourcing:  Pick Your Method to Suit Your Needs

Published January 29, 2010

The first step toward achieving quality of hire is effectively sourcing the candidates from which to choose. In this article, we take a look at what options there are for sourcing new hires and some of the pros and cons to each of them.

Employment Outlook for 2010:  Where have all the good people gone?

Published January 12, 2010

In a recession, ambitious, proactive people don’t just sit around and wait for a return to economic prosperity. Even if they aren’t employed already or can’t find work along their usual lines, they’ll turn to some entirely different pursuit instead—responding to all the hype being circulated about working for yourself by choosing from among the multitude of support mechanisms and project, franchise, work-from-home or consulting options available. While some may be forced into it by circumstances, others will welcome the self-employment alternative as an avenue to change their career path – something they may have wanted to do for a while. And the most inventive ones may go on to even greater career success by launching novel innovations into the marketplace. In the past such enterprising spirits have been responsible for many of what have become today’s mainstream products and services.

Getting a grip on mission-critical “soft” skills: 5 simple steps

Published November 24, 2009

Effective hiring and staff management aim to maximize the return from your company's human-capital investment and minimize the related financial risks. But obviously, you can’t hope to achieve these goals without at least a basic ability to assess the potential of people. In fact, people assessment is as essential a prerequisite for conducting performance reviews, promotions, and succession planning with your existing staff as it is for establishing benchmarks for new hires.

Forget Doing "More With Less":  Older Workers Help Companies Accomplish "More with More"

Published October 16, 2009

Among the clichés that have been touted throughout our recent economic decline is the demand that people learn to “do more with less”. On the contrary, with the following article PrintLink would like to demonstrate the advantages of “doing more with more” when it comes to hiring older employees.

Assessing job candidates beyond the technical skills

Published August 28, 2009

The goal of effective hiring is to maximize the return from your organization's human-capital investment and minimize the corresponding financial risks. And as a hiring manager, your task is to assess the potential of job candidates accordingly--in an astute, consistent, legal, fair, and humane manner. Of course, your first task is to determine how closely their technical (or “hard") skills relate to the technical requirements of the specific position you’re trying to fill. But the purpose of this article is to go beyond this initial assessment to discuss the more subtle aspects of candidate assessment and how to go about them.

The 20-60-20 Rule

Published June 4, 2009

Creating Opportunity Out of Adversity

Published April 30, 2009

Hanging Flexible in Tough Times

Published March 19, 2009

Value-Driven Outsourcing

Published March 4, 2009

Downsizing: Don’t Retreat – Motivate!

Published January 29, 2009

Staffing for Success in a Soft Market

Published September 4, 2008

The Challenge of Hiring Sales People

Published August 13, 2008

Workforce Optimization

Published August 7, 2008

Redefining Sales

Published June 30, 2008

Staffing for the Future of Print

Published April 17, 2008

Job Hopping For the Right Reasons

Published January 24, 2008

Resumés are just the Tip of the Iceberg

Published December 12, 2007

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