Following up on Peter’s post below, this is my first post as Managing Editor of WhatTheyThink | Going Green, and I thank Peter and the entire WhatTheyThink crew for their help in getting me up to speed. While I hope to put my own unique stamp on this blog, my goal is to not “pollute” the environment here that Peter and Gail have so painstakingly nurtured over the past several years. (As for that new shade of green, I was thinking maybe a Pantone 291...) If nothing else, it will represent a shift from West Coast to East Coast; I write this from Saratoga Springs, NY, a stone’s throw from the Adirondack Mountains although, while I don’t live in a glass house, I should probably not throw stones. One of my own favorite features of this blog has been “tales from the trenches,” or stories on and profiles of printing (and related) companies that are “doing things right”—that is, “going green” in unique, creative, and successful ways. I hope to add more of these “green success stories” as I settle into my tenure here. Ergo, I welcome everyone who has a story to share to feel free to drop me a note at [email protected]. As always, reports on new initiatives, policies, and technologies will find a place here, with the goal being to help readers make sense of what can be very confusing and convoluted. There will be interviews with experts, guest blogging, and (I confess at the outset) a few bad puns and jokes. It remains for me to thank everyone who reads, comments, and otherwise supports this site, and I look forward to going green in new and exciting ways—and I eagerly await your feedback. [Slightly OT but as we launch into Halloween week (Going Orange and Black, perhaps), I offer these links to some tips for making your Halloween party or trick-or-treating environmentally friendly and sustainable.]