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Move Over, QR Codes… Near Field Communications are Just around the Corner!

NFC is set of technology standards designed to enable short-range, "contactless" communication among phones, as well as other types of targets. Very few of today’s smartphones include embedded NFC technology, but this is expected to change over the next couple of years as more phones with the technology become available and marketers look to integrate NFC into their marketing efforts.


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About Barb Pellow and Bryan Yeager


By Michael Jahn on Feb 14, 2013

Bluetooth and other WiFi-based marketing campaigns use tech that is already built into nearly all smartphones and deliver an opt-in message directly to the device. Folks aren't required to do much to do so - A well-designed Bluetooth/WiFi campaign transmits to folks who come within range, which can be as far away as 300 feet. Want to opt-in ? Simply touch your device screen. Important take away - tech-savvy folks generally understand that they can safely receive messages via Bluetooth and WiFi without unwittingly transmitting private data.

I think NFC will be used for payments ( as you mentioned ) as this requires me to 'send' my private payment method data.


By John Foley on Feb 21, 2013

Just around the corner? They are here. However I am sure we will hear how they wont or are not effective like the nay sayers have been saying about QRCodes - as teh adoption of those continue to grow. I believe teh QRCode will also play along side NFC in marketing response mechanism based on the target audinece and use. Here are a few more examples for teh readers - http://ilink.me/NFCinfo


By John Foley on Feb 21, 2013

I have got to get my autocorrect fixed for teh word teh, het, eht, I mean THE!



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