Long time readers of Print CEO will remember seeing Pazazz Printing CEO Warren Werbitt in the hysterical video "Printing's Alive". We wrote about this nearly 3 years ago now (time flies!) and were obviously big fans of the video and the message. The video currently has over 200,000 views and is still talked about. You could probably consider it a YouTube viral hit within the industry. If you haven't seen it yet, you probably know someone who has and will recommend you watching.

Original "Printing's Alive" video:

Our original post on this video had 22 comments, mostly positive despite the minor controversy over the video being a copycat of a Coudal Partners video.

Pazazz put out another video shortly before Graph Expo and were hoping to have the same kind of lightning strike. The problem with lightning striking twice, let alone catching it in a bottle is it rarely - if ever - happens. There is, of course, no real formula for viral video success but great and compelling content and either an army for a following or lots of luck.

Printing's Alive 2:

So why does the original have 200,000 views and this one only 5,000? Because we hadn't posted it yet! LOL. Kidding. The real reason is the second video just isn't as good and certainly not as unique as the first one. This one feels a bit forced as if someone said "hey, we need to do that YouTube thingy again let's have Warren yell some more". When we saw the first one we had never seen anything like it. This one, of course is an attempt at a sequel. Tough to pull off - on YouTube or in Hollywood.

That said, I still love Warren and Pazazz! What do you think?