We’ve been hearing that print is going interactive for years, not just with QR codes, but with technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and near-field communications (NFC). Some of the applications are truly astounding, but are they relevant to the printing industry at large? Heidi-Tolliver-Walker looks at some examples of how “interactive print” is relevant to commercial printers.
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Heidi Tolliver-Walker is former print industry magazine editor and long-time industry analyst, content developer, author, and blogger. She has written for the industry’s top publications, research companies, and private companies for the past three decades — so long that she still has an AOL address, which she signed up for back when AOL was still cool. You can reach her at [email protected].
C'mon, folks! I want to hear your comments and experiences! Have you integrated AR into any of your campaigns? What is your experience? Let's have your feedback.
By Heidi Tolliver-Walker on Aug 24, 2021
C'mon, folks! I want to hear your comments and experiences! Have you integrated AR into any of your campaigns? What is your experience? Let's have your feedback.