
Premium Commentary & Analysis

Inkjet Ink Estimating: Challenges and Work-Arounds

Estimating in any print business can be a challenge, but inkjet users face a level of variability that users of other print technology don’t. In this article, Inkjet Insight’s Elizabeth Gooding and Alexandra Pekar look at the challenges of inkjet estimating and offer some solutions for overcoming those challenges.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


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About Elizabeth Gooding and Alexandra Pekar

Elizabeth Gooding helps companies to streamline their business process, improve customer retention, and maximize new opportunities for document design, print and Internet technology. Alexandra Pekar is a consultant at Insight Forums and an analyst at Inkjet Insight.

Recent Articles from Elizabeth Gooding and Alexandra Pekar

Inkjet Ink Estimating: Challenges and Work-Arounds

Inkjet Ink Estimating: Challenges and Work-Arounds

Estimating in any print business can be a challenge, but inkjet users face a level of variability that users of other print technology don’t. In this article, Inkjet Insight’s Elizabeth Gooding and Alexandra Pekar look at the challenges of inkjet estimating and offer some solutions for overcoming those challenges. Read More