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Sustainability: The Great Reset—What Can We Do?

The planet earth and its natural resources have not grown in over 4 billion years, yet the population has increased from 800 million in 1700 to almost 8 billion in 2020, all competing for their share and putting great stress on the environment and the population. It is obvious that this rate of growth can’t be sustained without some proactive behavioral changes.


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About David Zwang

David Zwang travels around the globe helping companies increase their productivity, margins and market reach. He specializes in production optimization, strategic business planning, market analysis, and related services to companies in the vertical media communications market. Clients have included printers, manufacturers, retailers, publishers, premedia and US Government agencies. He can be reached at [email protected].


By Robert Lindgren on Aug 11, 2020

The author's assumption of ever increasing human population seems to fly in the face of declining birth rates world wide. It also ignores the ability of the planet to sustain its population at ever higher levels because of vastly improved food production and technology.


By Rich Ramirez on Aug 11, 2020

It has been noticed for several years the declining birth rates around the world, and this is a good thing. But to Mr. Lindgren, only humans can sustain or increase their population numbers with increased food production and better technology; the planet's resources are what they are. Unfortunately, the lessons of human history are only filled with resource exploitation and self-inflicted genocide, while remaining populations are left to fight over the scraps. The WEF and HP's initiatives are noble. But 12,000 years on and humans still under-appreciate this planet we live on.


By Robert Lindgren on Aug 11, 2020

We both know of the evils that humans have worked on themselves of the eons. We also know that humans are extraordinary intelligent and resourceful animals who have sustained the present level of population and development. Why should we not expect human to continue on this beneficial path? Are they not collectively vastly better off in 2020 than they were in 2000 or 1920?


By Wayne Lynn on Aug 13, 2020

Robert, your case for rational optimism is well founded...up to a point. I read into Rich Ramirez's comment a concern for all forms of life on Earth. Our planet's ecosystem is incredibly complex and is not human-centric. The loss of species which are obscure but key components of the food chain could present big problems. Still, I am with you, there is cause for optimism.



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