Richard Romano: Hi, this is Richard Romano, Managing Editor of WhatTheyThink's Going Green Environmental Sustainability blog, and we're talking with Graham Moore, Director of Business Development for Ricoh. Thank you for joining us.
Graham Moore: It's my pleasure.
Richard Romano: Now, Ricoh was recently named one of the 100 Global Sustainable companies. Tell us a little bit about some of the initiatives that you guys are working on.
Graham Moore: Well, sustainability really is in Ricoh's DNA. Since the company was founded over 75 years ago, we've worked very hard to reduce the impact that we have on business processes, have upon the environment in our society. And we're delighted to be recognized as one of the global most 100 sustainable companies in the world. And in fact, by delight, who've also recognized Deloitte, who've also recognized what Ricoh have done.
Richard Romano: Oh, great. So tell us about the three R's.
Graham Moore: Yeah, our fundamentals are reduce, reuse, and recycle. And an example of reduce at a global level is we look to minimize the resources that we use, the energy that we consume, and any pollution that we generate. So that underpins everything that we do. And we then gone on to design and implement some specific programs. For example, in the office, in the enterprise, our sustainability optimization program based on our total green office solutions reduces the impact of printing and document processing in the corporate and office environment.
Richard Romano: So tell us about the carbon balance printing program.
Graham Moore: The Ricoh Carbon Balance Printing Programme is a service we provide to print service providers to ensure that they can print carbon mutually for their clients, if they're a graphic arts or a commercial print service provider, or for their internal departmental users. If they're in plant, CRD, or print room. We follow a three-step process to ensure that they're audited and certified. We first of all analyze the carbon emissions generated through their processes and their document production. We then optimize those processes as far as possible to ensure that the minimum environmental impact from them, perhaps the papers, electricity and other considerations. And then having done that, we neutralize any remaining and unavoidable carbon emissions resulting from that printing. It means we can certify the print service provider as a carbon balance printer who prints carbon neutrally and it means that the print service provider can certify to his client that any printing he does is carbon neutral because he can use our carbon calculator, part of the Ricoh business driver program, to ensure that a client's work, every individual job is certified as carbon neutral. And that has obviously corporate social responsibility benefits for the corporate client and it has business benefits for the print service provider because he can market and promote that that he's printing sustainably and of course help differentiate himself, retain the clients he's got, perhaps do more work for them, and extend beyond that into other services with them and with new clients.
Richard Romano: Well that sounds fantastic. It sounds like a win, win, win for everybody involved. So we look forward to hearing more as the program builds out. So thank you very much.
Graham Moore: Thank you. Thanks for…