Mongoven: This is Pat Henry, WhatTheyThink. Graph Expo 2012 and with us this afternoon is Paul Mongoven. Paul is President of TPM Graphics, Arlington Heights, Illinois. Paul, welcome.
Paul Mongoven: Thank you so much. Great to be here.
Mongoven: Just give us a brief on TPM Graphics, your capabilities, the markets you serve. Go.
Paul Mongoven: We are predominantly an offset printing shop. We also have taken on some digital capabilities in the last four years. We are in our 28th year of business and we’re currently in a position where we’re thriving. So things are good.
Mongoven: Why – not a lot of printing companies right now can make that claim. You are thriving, others aren’t. Why are you thriving?
Paul Mongoven: I do believe it’s our personal approach to our clients and we’re able to come up with the solutions that they need and come through. I mean there’s a number of companies that would have our capabilities but I think one of the differences is that what we have that sets us apart is that we’re able to keep our word on deliveries and the quality level that people are needing and finding ways to get it done.
Mongoven: Now you didn’t have to travel all that far to get to Graph Expo but you did have to take a day out of your busy schedule. Why is it worth your while to be here?
Paul Mongoven: I regularly – I consistently feel like I need to learn what is going on in my own industry and I feel like I could never take in enough information. So, and as I say, it’s been a relatively short time we’ve been into the digital market and so I want to stay up on what the latest is, the latest offerings. And it’s because - it was interesting we were just talking about the fact that some people travel great distances to come here and it’s funny for this to be in my backyard and to not make it to the show. So I think it’s important to make it to the show.
Mongoven: Okay, well put. Paul, I understand you’re a Heidelberg shop. In addition to running Heidelberg technology you also go to their brand of Saphira consumables. And according to Heidelberg Saphira consumables are optimized for use of that equipment. I’m just wondering what process improvements have you seen. What’s been the payoff there?
Paul Mongoven: Well I think one of the biggest things for me is that so much of what we have – when I’m giving a tour to clients I will say to them that we’re a very Heidelberg shop because we are electronic press, press and bindery as well as all of our consumables. And it gives us a lot of leverage when we’re talking to Heidelberg people and they know that it is one Heidelberg process to another. So it keeps them accountable. They can’t be pointing to a particular area and saying, “This comes from another area so I’m not sure how I can help you.” So it has paid off in that sense. The continuity.
Mongoven: Okay, Paul, glad to hear about that payoff. Glad to hear that you’re thriving and thanks for sharing your story with us today.
Paul Mongoven: My pleasure.
Mongoven: Okay. Pat Henry, WhatTheyThink. Thanks for watching.
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