Frank Romano:  Hi this is Frank Romano for  By now you’ve all received the promotion piece for Graph Expo.  Isn’t it refreshing?  A printing event that actually uses direct mail and prints to promote itself?  You can register for the event either analog or you can do it online.  You can probably do it telepathically.  In any case, why am I promoting Graph Expo?  Because I believe that events, tradeshows, seminars, conferences are important.  It’s the way you keep up with that is going on in the printing industry.  Everything is changing almost daily.  And you really need the opportunity to walk the aisles, see what’s new, run into some old friends, maybe attend a session of some sort, either one of the free sessions on the floor, or one of the paid seminars.  There are over 50 seminars that you can attend.  It’s an important event, and you really should be there.  I will.  See you then.