Hi. This is Frank Romano for WhatTheyThink.com. A few little things that I found recently that are interesting—well, to me. It’s about a cashless society. Treasury printing fewer dollars. What they’re saying is because of electronic payments, we are using less currency. Therefore, the currency that they produce lasts longer. Plus when they redesigned it they made it better, so, therefore, it lasts longer because of that reason. Fewer checks are being used for payment and they see movement in this thing called the digital wallet, which means you’ll be able to make your payments electronically.

So fewer dollars being we can’t even count on inflation or other methods keeping printers busy printing currency. This is from a survey done by some magazine. It says “Just One Question.” What was the most powerful technology? What technologies had the most influence in your life? Warren Buffet said, the telephone. Bill Gates said, the printing press. Bill Gates said, the printing press. Companies come up with photo-conducted printing. As you know, you can actually make batteries, you can make little lights, make diodes, you can create all that and put it on a label.

Well, this company has now printed up—they have a label that has interactive printed electronic labels on them. They light up the beverage bottles, probably even cans for that matter. So your beer can can actually flash. So you get up in the middle of the night because you want a drink and you have no problem because there’s the flashing light. You go to it and drink your alarm clock—oh, there’s no way. Who says print is going to die? I went to CVS the other day and bought only a few things and this is the label I got. Label? I’m sorry. Invoice? Check?

What is this thing? Whatever it is—receipt. Not only does it have what I bought, but it has all these coupons—25 percent off my next purchase up to a certain date; I can get two bags of M&Ms at a cheaper price. So all of that on here, and on the backside, of course, telling me that it was CVS, because I certainly don’t want to forget something that long.

Those are some of the news items I found recently. And that’s my opinion.