Interviewer: Hi. I’m Cary Sherburne, Senior Editor at and we’re back here with Charlie Launsbach who’s Sales Director at Ariva. And are you going to share with us some more really unique and exciting applications that especially digital printers can jump up their businesses with?
Charlie Launsbach: Yes, definitely. Glad to be here. So one of the products that we’ve just introduced to the marketplace, which we’re extremely excited about and is extremely unique, is our Fusion Crystal Clear Cling. And one of the things that we’re so excited about this product is because for the first time digital print providers that have high heat toner equipment can now print static cling. And that’s unlike any other think product that’s out there because traditionally, cling products stretch and shrink on high heat toner equipment and now we’ve solved that problem.
Interviewer: Okay, that’s great.
Charlie Launsbach: One of the attributes of this product is that it truly is a clear product, so after it’s printed and cut this product becomes clearer as it gets put on glasses or windows. And for that reason, we call it Fusion Crystal Clear. And some of our customers that have used this product really like the way it jumps on the glass and that’s what they call it in that business, is jumping on the glass, okay? So what our sales consultants have been doing with our Ariva customers is really training them on how to use the product, but also this product can be put on indoors, outdoors, in almost any temperature, wet or dry. So you don’t need to be an expert anymore to print static cling. You can use your digital printing equipment and now be a really full service provider.
Interviewer: That’s great. And what else do you have up your sleeve?
Charlie Launsbach: One of the other products that we constantly would hear from our digital printers is I don’t like to print polyester synthetic materials. And one of the reasons they don’t like to print synthetic polyester materials is because they have so much static and they block and they build. So what we’ve introduced at Ariva really is one of the only products out on the market, is our Fusion Soft Polyester. And there’s a lot of…
Interviewer: Can I feel it?
Charlie Launsbach: Yes.
Interviewer: Oh, cool.
Charlie Launsbach: There’s a lot of synthetic paper products out there, but this is one of the only ones that is truly anti-static. So now you have a synthetic paper that, just like the others, it’s waterproof, it’s tear-proof, it’s indoor, it’s outdoor, but this product folds, scores, and it also punches. So if you use the right caliber, we offer it in three weights, you can do almost anything with it. One of the most unique attributes of the soft polyester product is that anything that a customer might have laminated before no longer needs to be laminated because the product is anti-stain.
Interviewer: What’s on there?
Charlie Launsbach: This is ketchup. And what you can do is this can be used in the restaurant industry, the POP industry, and you can see the ketchup comes right off of this and it does not stain. So although it has all the other attributes, this is just something extra that can provide value for end users.
Interviewer: So this would be a great thing for menus, placemats, those kinds of things in the restaurant business.
Charlie Launsbach: That’s correct. Manuals, anything that need to be done one-off, digitally, maybe at different locations throughout the country.
Interviewer: Mhmm. And I’m just wondering, there wouldn’t be any dust with this so this could be even a clean room application.
Charlie Launsbach: We’ve had several clean room applications for this.
Interviewer: Yeah, that’s a great one. Well, that’s really cool. Thank you for sharing.
Charlie Launsbach: Well, thank you for having me.