Cary Sherburne: Hi, I’m Cary Sherburne, Senior Editor at, and I’m here with Hamilton Costa who is with AN Consulting in Brazil.
Hamilton Costa: That’s it, Brazil.
Cary Sherburne: Welcome. Welcome.
Hamilton Costa: Thank you.
Cary Sherburne: You know I just wanted to maybe; we’ve had a pretty tough time with the recession and so on in the States. I know Brazil’s economy is completely different, but maybe you could talk a little bit about what’s going on in Latin America in terms of the industry.
Hamilton Costa: Yeah, for sure. Like being an emergent market. You know there are some geographies there that really still coming up if you compare it to the major markets like the United States so have some completely different numbers too. And the numbers of printing companies still increasing. So to…
Cary Sherburne: Where we’re going down.
Hamilton Costa: You are going down. So as to have someone, let’s say based in traditional products, if we can call this, is still growing up while here we can see they are going down. Last year in Brazil, for instance, we have a very good growth of magazines printing and newspapers printing, so we’re growing around 10 percent over the previous years. So, the markets is reacting very favorably in a way that the investment is also very good too, so it’s a complete different scenario than we see here in the United States.
For sure at exactly this part of the year we are a little bit concerned about the… we’re getting some inflation back. Inflation back, inflation in Brazil in the past was something very tough.
Cary Sherburne: Yeah, big trouble, yeah.
Hamilton Costa: So a little bit concerned about that, but the development and the gross keep on being good right pace.
Cary Sherburne: That’s great. And you know, we at WhatTheyThink and with Dr. Joe Webb, we’ve partnered with you on his book, Disrupting the Future, and you’ve translated that into Portuguese and you’re aiming on Spanish. And now we’ve got the new book, Getting Business, and we’re gonna translate that into Portuguese too. Right?
Hamilton Costa: Yes, I think they are very interesting books for sure. Despite they are very concentrated on the facts in the North American market, but even so, even that we get our market with the different scenario than here, but we see in certain part of the market, certain products of institution like we see here. So we have both movements at same time. So, much of the message of the book is very good, very special, the Disrupting the Future is very good for a lot of printers there. They’re looking for new alternatives. How do they transform their companies for the future that is not what a future, we are living it right now. So very good book.
Cary Sherburne: Yeah, and the new one really is a ‘how to,’ how to do that, how to get business. Opportunities for commercial printers and their clients in the net communications arena. So that’ll be, I’m sure, very helpful. And I’m sure that there are some things that we do differently here, but for the most part, the examples that they give probably will help.
Hamilton Costas: I am sure about that. So we’re gonna launch… we are launching the first one.
Cary Sherburne: Great.
Hamilton Costas: At the beginning of the year we’re going to launch the second one.
Cary Sherburne: Great.
Hamilton Costas: We’re inviting then… he is not going to be there, I think, but probably you or Frank Romano…
Cary Sherburne: Me, yeah. I’ll go to Brazil, yeah.
Hamilton Costas: … is gonna be with us next year so we can talk about that, talk about the two books, the message. And that I think it’s going to be very, very interesting. Going to be very, very accepting for the people there in the markets.
Cary Sherburne: Well good. I do hope I get to go to Brazil. I especially want to go to Rio, but I know that you guys work out of Sao Paulo.
Hamilton Costas: Oh, you should, you should. Sao Paulo is very close to Rio. There is a shuttle service, 30 minutes, so…
Cary Sherburne: Thirty minutes, oh okay. I’m there.
Hamilton Costas: Hey, what’s 35 minutes? That’s very easy.
Cary Sherburne: Thank you.
Hamilton Costas: Thank you, Cary. Good to see you.