My name is Jim Rosenthal and I am Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Digital Color Graphics located outside of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. So from an IT standpoint, actually my background is in IT so I tend to, as Chief Operating Officer, the IT aspect of what we do falls under my, my little supervisory responsibility. And we’ve always been very technically oriented in terms of what we do. We were very quick to adopt web-to-print, VDP on demand. The name of our company, Digital Color Graphics, while we started out as an offset printer we very quickly leveraged that name into the digital space.
So a lot of what we do revolves around technology and at all levels we try to leverage technology in terms of how we build our business. So from our management information system, to how we use email, to how we communicate, to how we communicate with our clients, it all revolves around IT and how workflow through—work flows through our company [say that ten times fast] is all lying around technology. What we found is one more aspects of what we do can in an inexpensive way be moved into the Cloud.
For one of the initiates we have we’re using Google Apps, so while our email is still, you know, we have an ISP who hosts our website and provides us with our email and our exchange server. For another initiative we’re doing in another area we’re trying to develop business we’re using Google Apps. We’re using it for email, for document collaboration, for communicating back and forth with all the people who are involved in this initiative. If you look at our new MIS system we, about a year ago we adopted EFI Pace and that is a web-based MIS system. So in effect it could be in the Cloud; we could just pick up that server and throw it into a server form and we’re operating in the Cloud. And I very much think that that’s the way—how a lot of the things we do are going to end up.
All of the, all the way our pieces are going to talk together is all going to be not housed in our building. We’re not going to have to worry about servicing it, supporting it, updating it; it’s all going to kind of take care of itself.