Andy Tribute: Once again we’re back in Dusseldorf, this time for a brand new show for Digi Media [ph]. I have with me Monika Kissing, who runs the press department for messe Dusseldorf and I’d like to ask her about the show. Monika, can you tell me, what is Digi Media?
Monika Kissing: So Digi Media is a brand new show as you already stated out Andy and thanks for this opportunity here to give a short interview. So Digi Media is a tradeshow for commercial publishing and digital printing. That’s the sub line, but actually we are focusing on the interaction between print, WEP and mobile, so we are not talking exclusively about technology but we are talking about solutions, applications and of course we are focusing on the different target groups of the printing industry.
Andy: Now is this a sort of development of the drupa innovation park that you ran so successfully at drupa?
Monika: Yeah, more or less. It’s also a further development of drupa cube, so at drupa last 2008 we already focused on print buyers, the marketing decision makers or the managing directors of companies. Of course that declined of the big producers, of the supply industry and therefore yes, it’s a development of drupa Innovation, but as well as a further development of the cube.
Andy: How successful do you think this show is going to be?
Monika: That’s a question I was afraid of to be honest. As far as right now we are very happy. We do have 170 exhibiting companies here from 12 countries. That’s a big success as far. Of course it’s a young tradeshow. It’s a brand new one and there are many competitive exhibitions and so we are very happy about this stage here and hopefully after three days tradeshow on Saturday we will have approximately 7 salesmen.
Andy: Now this is a German show at the moment. Is this seen, for the future, as being a show that will interact with drupa and become more of an international show?
Monika: Yeah, that’s a good question, another good question. It will be more or less focused on the European market, so in the first step it’s a completely German speaking show. That means we are focusing on Austria as well as Switzerland as well as those countries and the next step for 2013 I guess we will focus more or less some more European countries, maybe France, maybe Italy, maybe Spain, but of course not a wider international show.
Andy: Just a final question. Next year is the big one, drupa.
Monika: That’s true.
Andy: Is it sold out yet?
Monika: Yes, sold out yet, so if there are companies interested in participating they should hurry up to find a small space.
Andy: All right, thank you very much indeed and I wish the best of luck for this show and for the future of it.
Monika: Thank you indeed, all the best for you.